Tuesday 14 February 2023



 In John chapter 11 verse 40, Jesus says, "If you believe, "you will see the glory of God".


● Again in John chapter 1 verse 14, it is written, " We beheld his glory as of the only begotten son of the

father full of Grace and of Truth".


● There is something more to take note about the glory : it  can be buried..


● In second Samuel chapter 13 verse 1, the Bible says that Amnon  loved Tamar his sister.


● But when you read the same chapter in verse 19, the Bible says that Amnon raped his sister and 4 things happened to her:



● 1- She poured ashes on her head


Ashes symbolize grief, sorrow, sadness...


● When your glory is buried, like Tamar, you will have ashes on your head. Which means that sadness will become your identity.


● 2- She tore her clothes


● The clothes represent her dream as a virgin that one day a man can come and marry her virgin since  virgins, at that time, had specific clothes identifying them as such.


● Unfortunately, the clothes of glory were torn because of Amnon.


● Because of Amnon, her dream was broken down. The dream of her life to be a wife of a man who  will marry her was broken.


● When your glory is buried, like Tamar, the dream of your life will also be buried.


● 3- She was in shame and crying


● She was crying because she was forced to have sex with the conman called Amnon


● When your glory is buried, like Tamar,  you will live in shame and reproach.


● When the glory is buried,  you will live a life of tears, a life of crying.


● 4- She remained desolate in her brother's house


● When somebody's glory is buried, they will live in desolation, which means hopeless, helpless.


● But I want to announce to you today if at all your glory has been buried that your Glory will be unburied.




● Amnon is a demon made flesh.


● Many glories have been buried because of wrong relationships.


● Amnon is an evil spirit.


● Many individuals out there buried their glories because of being in relationship with Amnon.


● Let me help you identify Amnon.


● Number one


● Amnon is a spirit of fake love. In second Samuel 13 Verse 1, the Bible says that Amnon loved Tamar.


● When Amnon comes to you, you will think that he loves you. But Amnon pretends to love you to bury your glory.


● May God deliver you from any Amnon in the name of Jesus Christ.


● Number two


Amnon comes with trouble . If at all in your life somebody comes in the name of love to trouble you, that one cannot be love.

Where there is love, there is peace. God is the God of Peace. In Philippians Chapter 4 verse 6, "the Bible says that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard your heart."


● Number three


● The Spirit of Amnon is the spirit of unsubmissiveness, the spirit of rebellion, the spirit of disobedience.

● Tamar told Amnon, "if really you love me, |go and see my father". Amnon refused. 

● IIf at all somebody comes and says "I love" you but does not want to submit to the order of God, that is an Amnon who is coming to bury your glory.

● Number four 

● Amnon is not patient. Amnon is a a spirit of impatience. Amnon can't wait.


● The Bible says that love is patient.


● I don't know who I am talking to today. Maybe your glory has been buried because of any Amnon, you can come out of the house of desolation.


● Your Glory can come out of the grave.


● Number five


● Amnon is the spirit of someone who cannot listen to you.


● The Bible says that Amnon refused to listen to Tamar.


● When somebody comes and says, "I love you" and he cannot listen to you, that is not the love of God.


● Number six


● Amnon is a demon coming straight from the pit of hell to bury your glory.


● In Second Samuel 13:20, the Bible says that Tamar remained in the house of desolation.


● That is the buried Glory I am talking about.


● Tamar tore the clothes of Glory because of this demon called Amnon.


● I pray that God will spare you from any Amnon in your life who comes with sweet words hiding sword to kill your glory.


● How many women/men whose glories have been buried because of Amnon?


● How many bright, talented, gifted women/men have not buried their glories because of Amnon?


● Amnon is an evil spirit who is after your glory to bury it.


● I stand here on the Word of God and I declare and decree, "May any glory of your life, any talent, any blessing, any gift that has been buried by the enemy to be unburied in the name of Jesus Christ.


● When your glory is buried, you find yourself in a place where you can't think at all because of Amnon who has convinced you that you are nothing.


● I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, get out of that house of desolation


● May the glory of God in your life, the talents, the gifts, the dream that has been buried because of that marriage, because of that Amnon, be unburied today in the Name Of Jesus Christ!


● Today, pray and tell God,


"Lord, Amnon cannot bury my glory. Amnon cannot bury my gift. Amnon cannot bury the grace God has put in me. Amnon cannot bury my beauty .Amnon cannot bury my esteem.


Number seven


● Amnon is a manipulator, a deceiver, a pretender who takes advantage of your weak point to stab you.


● Amnon pretended to be sick to take advantage of Tamar who was a nice, a compassionate and a caring woman.


● I command the spirit of Amnon to be cast out today. May the hand of Vengeance of God be upon any Amnon of your life in the Name Of Jesus Christ !


● There are people who come to me pretending to seek for help while all they want is to take advantage of my compassion. They come lying, because they have their own agenda.


● I declare and I decree over you that your Glory will not be buried.


Number eight


● Amnon is a cruel and wicked agent of the devil.


● After he satisfied himself, Amnon threw Tamar away.


● Tamar went out with ashes on her head, with her clothes torn, crying and remained in the house of desolation.


● According to Isaiah 61 verse 7, the glory buried can be restored.


● I pray for a lady. I want to pray for a man whose Glory has been buried to recover it


● Tamar remained in desolation, in shame, in reproach, in low self-esteem, wounded ....


● I want you to know that there is healing in God.  God can restore your buried Glory and give to you double for your shame.


● In Psalm chapter 8 verse 5, the Bible talks about the Crown of Glory and Honor.


● If Amnon came in your life to put ashes on your head, you can shake it off of your head today and now because God is restoring on you the Crown of Glory


● I declare over you this morning that God is putting the crown of Honor on your head. God is putting the crowd of Glory on your head.


● That's why I pray for the  restoration of your head. Stop thinking and overthinking over what

Amnon did to you.


● Remove ashes from your head. Remove guilt from your head. Remove depreciation from your head.


● Remove anything that is telling you from your head that you are good for nothing. you are not beautiful, you are not loved, you are rejected.


● May the Crown of Glory remove all ashes from your head in the name of Jesus Christ


● In John 17:22, Jesus says, "The glory you gave to me I gave to them".


● Open your hand where you are because God is giving you back the glory that Amnon had buried.


● Open your hand and receive back the glory.


● I say, Open your hand and receive back the glory that Amnon has buried.


● Jesus is giving back the glory to you. You are getting back that Glory today in Jesus name.


● Amnon came in your life like a snake in a name of love to steal your glory and your beauty, but I have a good news for you from Psalm 149 verse 4... The God I serve will beautify you with salvation.


● God is beautifying somebody today. Your beauty that has been buried because of Amnon is unburied today.


● I see God beautifying you. Allow God to beautify your life. Allow God to restore your beauty.


● My God is restoring somebody's Beauty in the name of Jesus Christ.


● Make yourself beautiful. Get out of that grave today. Get out of that grave today Get out of that grave today. Get out of that grave today and receive back the beauty of God in your life in the name of Jesus Christ




● In John 11:40, Jesus says, ""If you believe, you will see the glory of God".  Lazarus was buried. His glory was buried  to the extent that he was stinking. But he was unburied.


● Maybe you lost your glory like Lazarus to the extent that you are stinking, people are smelling

your life like you are a problem, people identify you with your problem ...

but the Good News is that the same Jesus who resurrected Lazarus after he was buried can bring back to life your buried glory.


● Jesus told Lazarus, "Lazarus, come out of that grave". Anyone listening to me, God is calling out your glory from the grave.


● Today, your glory is unburied in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.


● In Isaiah 60 verse 1,  the Bible says, "Arise"


● For you to come out of the Grave, for the buried glory to come out of the grave, for that Glory that was buried to be unburied, you must arise.


● I command somebody today to arise.


● My sister, arise! That man is not the the terminal of your life. That woman is not the terminal of your life. That situation is not the terminal of your life.


● Arise Where You Are and get out of that house of desolation. Arise. Arise. Arise. Arise. Arise. Arise. Arise.


● For any buried glory to be unburied you must arise. Arise and pray. Aise and shine. Get out of the floor.


● You who have been tampered by men, arise. You who have been rejected by men, arise. You who have been forsaken by men. arise.


● I say arise. I say arise.


● Pray where you are and tell God


- I arise to recover my glory


- I arise to recover my beauty


- I arise to recover my gift


- I arrive to recover my talents.


- I arrive to recover my destiny.


- I arise to recover the glory of God upon my life


- I am not what that man is saying I am.


- I arise from abuse, from rape, from trauma, from rejection


● I pray for you to arise and  take responsibility of your life. Live the beauty of your glory in the name of Jesus Christ


● Now I pray for any Tamar anywhere you can be who has been tampered by Amnon, today, God is telling you to receive the anointing to arise.


● I pray for you to receive the anointing of God on you now and to arise.


● I pray the gift God has deposited in you to arise.


● I pray for the grace God upon your life to arise.


● I pray for you the honor God has deposited in you to arise.


● Maybe your body has been tampered by the enemy, I pray for it to arise.


● Maybe you have lost some organs I don't know whichever thing you have lost because

of the demon of Amnon, I pray for you to arise today and to shine.


● Receive the beauty of God back in your life that has been exchanged.


● Receive back today the glory that has been taken away. Receive it today in the name of Jesus


● Make yourself beautiful. Make yourself happy. Go back to school if you can.


● Go and find a job that you like . Live the life you have been called to live because today, your glory has been unburied in Jesus name. 


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