Tuesday 21 February 2023





Mark chapter 11 


Mar 11:1  And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples, 


Mar 11:2  And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him. 


Mar 11:3  And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither. 


Mar 11:4  And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. 


Mar 11:5  And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? 


Mar 11:6  And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go. 


Mar 11:7  And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him. 


Mar 11:8  And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way. 


Mar 11:9  And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:


Mar 11:10  Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. 


Mar 11:11  And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. 


Tied, found, untied and beautified


Those are the four parts of my message of today.


In the Old Testament there was a prophetic word spoken over that donkey.


The prophetic word was in Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your King comes to you: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding on an ass, and on a colt the foal of an ass.”


That is in observation concerning that donkey. It has a prophetic word. Even you before you are born God spoke words over your life before even you were born.


Hebrews 10:7  Jesus coming in the world said, “Then said I, See, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do your will, O God.”



In Matthew 15:13  the Bible says
.. any plant my Father hasn't planted shall and must be uprooted.


Matthew 19:8 ... In the beginning it was not so.



Please open your hand and pray with me this morning. Lord let my life on Earth be the exact manifestation of what is written of me in the Word.


Just open your hand where you are and pray pray from the depth of your heart. Pray with understanding. Thank God, Lord let my life on Earth be the exact manifestation of what is the written of me in the word.


Whatever is related of me in the word of God before I come in the world I pray that it will manifest in my life in this year 2023. I will leave the fullness of it on the earth.


Whatever God said for my marriage, God says marriage is good he says it was not good for a man to be alone, I'm standing from this altar declaring that my marriage must be good for me because it is written of me in the word of God.


In the beginning it was written that my children will be he submitted to God I'm standing from this place declaring that whatever was written of me I will live it practically as it is written.


Whatever God said concerning my health I will live it plainly, fully on this planet Earth.


Whatever was not so in the beginning for me, I don’t want it.


In my life there was a prophetic word over this donkey but on the ground things were totally different.


The donkey was not living that which it was created.


When you look at the word, God says this, but you look at your life, opposite.


You look at the word concerning my children God says this, but you look on the ground, totally different.


You look at the word God said this for my marriage but you look at my marriage totally different.


You look at the word God say this, for my Health, on the ground things are totally different.


That makes me ask a question.


- What was wrong with this donkey?

- Why was the donkey not leaving that which it was created?

- What was wrong?


I have four facts that I want to bring to your attention.


Fact 1


The donkey was tied at the gate. The donkey was tied.


Friends, when you hear a pastor teaching deliverance from deliverance, from deliverance from deliverance, from deliverance from. … I want to let you know you can carry prophetic words, prophecies can be released over you but you need to be untied for the prophetic word to come true in your life.


Mark 11:2,  "And said to them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a colt tied, where on never man sat; loose him, and bring him.



I underline something there go your way into the village of against you and as soon as you enter you will find a cold tied.


Now the colt was tied at the gate.


Today it is about being delivered from ropes at the gate.Tied at the gate.


Read Act 3:2, “And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;”


You see that? It is at the gate and he is begging those who are entering.


Maybe you are there you are hearing testimonies; somebody has entered into that office, somebody has entered into his marriage, somebody has entered into his conception, somebody has entered there and if you are still there at the gate today is your day of Deliverance.


You better know you are not on the Earth just to hear others have entered, others have entered.

I announced to you today this year 2023 you will enter. You did not hear me well I say you will enter, you will enter.


Others are entering, he is just there powerless. Ah! What is the problem?


Maybe because people were taking him and placing him there others are entering, him is still there.


Oh I've heard this one has entered into into his new house, Eeh! You, you are still there at your father's house.


I have heard that Songolopakala, those are some names for my country, has been promotedk, you are still there.


I have heard that so and so have gone to the next level, you are still there and you are wondering why others are entering and  I am still there?


I want to announce to you, the Lord will deliver you.


You need to check your neck very well because when you are tied, the door can be open before you you will not be able to enter.

Why? because you are tied. You can not enter.


Now I'm asking you a question, why can't you enter? Why? Why?


That is the first problem of that donkey.



Fact 2


The donkey was at the gate but the donkey was veiled.


That is the second problem . The first problem the donkey was died at the gate the second problem the donkey was at the gate but he was veiled.


To be veiled means two things:


Number one | weather it is not yet your season because God can hide you for a season. That is not a problem, you don't need to be delivered from it it is normal.


There is a time where God can hide you he is covering you himself before you enter your season.


Number two | it can also be the devil who is hiding you so you cannot be seen watch a scripture in Isaiah 25:7.


The Lord says, “And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.”


Now the Lord is telling me to tell you today, any demonic veil that is covering you, that is not allowing you to be seen, to be located, that veil upon this mountain of fasting and prayer for those 21 days for those few days remaining I declare and the decree that veil will be destroyed.


You wonder, do they see me or not?


I remember in my country one day after I a sunday service I finished the service I was there and I just passed by and I saw a Lady; beautiful lady; this is my daughter very beautiful but no man has ever approached her.


And you wonder ah!  I did something strange. I went to her I laid my hand on her face and I declared, “In the name of Jesus may you be located from now in the name of Jesus may the veil fall from your face in Jesus name.”


I left and she just received and I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened but the truth is, you can have a veil over your face that is not allowing you to be located.


Even our ministry, any veil over the ministry of the word of Life, anything over  our Channel, any veil over myself, anything over everything we are producing because the devil can put demonic veil and people and cannot be able to see, I declare that vein broken.


In this mountain you better cry to God and say, “every veil of the enemy over my life, over my womb, over my destiny, over my job, you go to apply for a job they see all other files but yours they cannot see it can be veiled.


Somebody comes looking for you to bless, but he’s not able to see you, you can be veiled.


You can have a shop, they are coming to other shops,but your shop nobody can comes there. It can be veiled by the enemy.


The Bible says Isa 25:7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.


God says, .. said I will destroy the face of the covering


Any covering that is from the devil hindering you at the gate it is destroyed finally in Jesus name.


Open your hand and receive the word of today, it is done.


Fact 3 | the donkey was at the gate but was monitored by its owners.


There are people who come in your life, they have nothing to do with you,  they just want to monitor your life so that you will go anywhere.


There are people who are happy to see you bound. There are people who are happy to see you stagnant. There are people who are happy to see you failing and falling.


She's still there? oh yeah yeah. Did you see any sign of pregnancy? Oh no she's just there. Eeeh, be sure that nobody comes close to her.


There's a lady, anytime somebody will come to her life something strange will just happen. Wether people will know, “hey hey there's a guy, I see  somebody coming …” and then people will gossip and do funny funny funny things. That man will go.


Again when she sleeps she will find herself  having sex with somebody in the dream and she does not know who and when she wakes up in the morning whatever relationship she was in, that person will go.


She shared with me her story and I understood that this woman was monitored.


The donkey was at the gate monitored by the owners to make sure that it is still bound.



We see it in verse 5, “And certain of them that stood there said to them, What do you, loosing the colt?”


That's why you will see in your life when you are crying nobody cares. When you want to commit suicide, nobody cares. When God sent to you a man or a woman or a friend or a man of God or a woman of God who comes close to you, to help you, to make your life better everybody gets agitated; those are monitors


This time around they will become powerless. They will be so paralyzed that they won't be able to do anything to you.


The lady I told you about, she got married some years ago and when the man came to marry her she saw funny things. She could see a bat on the window, a serpent at the door, she will have an accident because monitors want to know what is happening. What is happening there? Somebody has come there, you must separate them.


I pray it will come a moment where someone will come in your life the the devil will give instruction to the monitors, “How did you leave her to go?” I am trying to separate them, I can’t see them.


I declare the devil will not be able to see again your next step, your next blessing, I declare the devil will never know the next place you are going.


That is why there are people they want to make a step to the next level something come, and you are down. In the name of Jesus, this time round, things will never be the same again.


Fact 4 | The donkey was at the gate and was useless and probably mocked by the passers by


Funny enough people were passing there and mocking that donkey.


Those are the two problems the donkey was going through.


Maybe you are in that position, I'm telling you today as the Lord liveth that is a new season for you.


The last mockery you suffered is the last forever in your life.


Now Jesus stepped in


Jesus did two things


Number one |  he located and found the donkey.


Open your hand, that is your season to be located and to be found. Receive the prophetic word from this place.


The Bible says Mark 11:2, “And said to them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a colt tied, where on never man sat; loose him, and bring him.”


Jesus said to them … you shall find.


I announce to you today, you will be found finally.


I will speak words this evening; the impartation of Grace.It will be located and relocated. Don't miss for nothing. This impartation service of Grace. I will release the grace of located and located.


I announce to you the grace of God will locate, you the favor of God will locate you. No matter the hindrance of the enemy, where you have applied for that job, the demonic veil hindering you is destroyed.


I declare over you you will be located by the right man who will marry you and fulfill God's ordained purpose for your life. I say again you will be located by the right man, who will marry you and fulfill the purpose of God in your life.

Jesus was born in a manger but through his star he was located by the wise men who brought to him the gift he needed.


Open your hand, I see people coming far to connect to your gift. I command your star to shine from now.


Mephibosheth was   in a slam, through the covenant of his father he was located and moved to the Palace.


I see the same happening to you in the name of Jesus Christ. This is your season to be located by the right person.


Jesus found you will be found.


Number two | Jesus instructed, commanded and ordered the deliverance of the donkey for it to serve fully the purpose for which it was born


The Bible says Mark 11:2, “And said to them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a colt tied, where on never man sat; loose him, and bring him.”


Loose him and bring him.


Your deliverance is not a suggestion, your deliverance is not an option.


You understand what I'm talking about, it is a command, it is an instruction, it is compulsory and mandatory.


The Lord is giving instruction for you to be untied and brought to him.


By the way, I am commissioned to untie you and to bring you to the Lord.


The ultimate purpose of Deliverance is serving the lord.


The devil cannot tie or take hold of a blessing destined to serve the Lord, he cannot


Read Mark 11:3, the Bible says, “And if any man say to you, Why do you this? say you that the Lord has need of him; and straightway he will send him here.”


Hallelujah! Anything that anything the Lord needs, anyone the Lord needs, the devil cannot tie.


Luke 17:4 the Bible says, “… Being delivered so that we might serve the Lord …”


Lesson 1 : The ultimate purpose of deliverance is serving the Lord. The devil is unable to tie or to take hold of a blessing destined to serve the Lord.


The purpose of deliverance is not for the sake of Deliverance, it is for the sake of serving the Lord.


Lesson 2 : Pharaoh could not hold Israel simply because the purpose was clearly defined by the Lord : Let my people go so that they might serve me...

Moses said, “let my people go so that they may serve me.”


- I command the release of your next level for the purpose of serving the Lord,

- I command the release of your children for the purpose of serving the Lord,

- I command the release of your finances for the purpose of serving the lord,

- I command the release of your God ordained the man for you to serve the Lord,

- I command the release of your God ordained spouse for you to serve the Lord,

- I command the release of your next job for it to serve the Lord.


There is no way the devil can tie down what the Lord needs for the purpose of serving him.


I declare by commission from the Lord, your freedom, you are free to serve the Lord.


Whatever you need from the Lord, it is for his kingdom. The purpose for your prayer is to serve the Lord.


I am healthy perfectly hundred percent to serve the Lord.


Four things happened when the donkey was delivered.


Do you want to know if really you are delivered? These four things must happen.


Number one | the donkey who was stagnant started moving.


When you are untied the first thing that happened is stagnation is broken.  When you are stagnating, you are tied.


The donkey started moving, I see somebody starting moving now.


When you are untied, you will find that even your ministry has started moving. When you are untied, even your finances will start moving.


If your life is not moving don't lie to yourself if you are tied.


And I will tell you the truth before the Lord this ministry is moving. The word of life is moving.


I want to order somebody, get out of the bed where you are, get out of the place where you.

Pray for your feet and declare, I start moving that is my season of movement.


Declare before the Lord, my life must start Moving, my marriage must start moving, my finances  must start moving, I cannot stagnate there where I still struggle financially. My time of moving has begun.


That is the fourth time to know that you are free, you are moving. If you are not moving you are tied.


The donkey started moving.


Number two |  the donkey was free for monitors.


Mark 11: 4 - 6


Mark 11:4 And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.


Mark 11:5 And certain of them that stood there said to them, What do you, loosing the colt?


Mark 11:6 And they said to them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.



Those who used to have a voice to keep you grounded, they will never have a voice over your life anymore.


I see your Pharaoh letting you go, I see those who used to control your life losing control over you, I don't know what I'm talking to this morning, those who used to watch or monitor your life they are losing their power from now.


Those who used to monitor you to know what  is happening  they are losing their power over your life, they are losing control over you, they will not be able to control you anymore. Hallelujah


Today is your freedom from monitors. They will never know your next step anymore, they will just hear that you have already relocated. How you did it they will never know.


Jesus was born, the monitors did not know that Jesus was born. Herod was shocked that there is a king born.


Where? In Bethlehem. How? That is how your enemies will be shocked in Jesus name.



Number three | The donkey became useful, beautified and glorified.



Mark 11:7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat on him.


What's the meaning of sitting?


The meaning of sitting is that Jesus is the one in control. Any siege of the enemy over your life is broken today.


Jesus is sitting on your life. Any demon who used to sit on your life from now they are unseated.


Any evil spirit sitting on you today they are unseated. Any demon sitting on your marriage they are unseated as I'm talking to you right now.


I am declaring over you what I have been commissioned by the Lord. He said to me go and untie and bring to me.

I declare you untied, I declare your marriage untied, I declare your future untied in the name of Jesus Christ.


He sat on it, verse 8-9


Mark 11:8 And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strewed them in the way.


Mark 11:9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord:


Hallelujah Hallelujah! I see you being beautified. This year 2023 you will be decorated.


This 2023 as the Lord liveth, whose I am the servant, I declare because he commissioned me to declare your freedom, you will be celebrated.


You have never been celebrated. Maybe in 2022 there was no celebration over your life, I am announcing to you today, that is your season of Celebration.


You will be celebrated. People when you come to stand somewhere they will say, “hosanna, blessed be the Lord. Testimonies will be flowing over you.


I see flowers thrown on you, celebrating you wherever you go because Jesus is the one sitting on your life. He will use you to his glory.


Any shame and reproach will be wiped away off your life.


That is the meaning of beautified.



Number four | Finally the donkey entered together with Jesus in Jerusalem, place of peace.


Mark 11:11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about on all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.


You are entering to that place of Peace. Jerusalem made the city of Peace.


Somebody is entering into a house of peace. You are entering into a marriage of Peace. You are entering into a job of peace. You are entering into an office of peace.


I don't know who I'm talking to today, the Lord is telling me if at all you allow me to sit on you I will make you enter where you are not  able to enter.


Remember since the year started, the Lord is telling us, you will enter into a new place, you see the Lord is repeating the same message.


I see you entering your Jerusalem where you were not able to enter before.


Act 3:8  And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.


The man was siting at the door where he could see others entering and he was not able to enter.


I see you entering where you were not bale to enter before.


Act 3:9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God:


All the people will see that God has visited you, all the people will see that God has blessed you.


Those who knew you as a barren woman they will see you pregnant by a right man,  the right husband/wife.


God will visit somebody in an amazing way. What eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, what no man has never thought about, that will be your experience.


Tied, found, untied and beautified

Isn't it simple? It is.


Lift your hand and your voice and say Lord I receive the prophecy of today.


Declared before the Lord, I am that donkey, use me. I don't care what people will say but use me.


People will talk but it doesn't matter,  use me.


People talk about me but I don't care. As long as Jesus is using me that's what matters for my life.


I will enter into Glory. And people will be like hey is it the same Kasuku, Eeh is it the same Hilda? Eeh is it the same Tabitha? Hey is it the same people who were they were just walking around here. That will be your experience.


The time for us to be glorified has come.


lift your voice and say, thank you Lord I receive the word and let it be so in my life in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit I have prayed and I say Amen.


It is done.



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