Saturday 25 February 2023






● The reason why Jesus came in the world was to restore to us the glory lost in Eden. That is why Galatians 3:13 says, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us..."


● My prayer for you today is for you to recover the Lost glory as it is written in Isaiah 61:7, "For your shame, you shall have double..."


● In every area (marriage, children, finances, family etc) of your life where you have ever experienced shame, it is your right to claim to God to restore to you double according to His Word .


● When we talk about the recovery of lost glory,  understand that it is all about God intervening to remove the shame from his people.


● In Genesis 30:23 and Luke 1:25, we have 2 testimonies of 2 women from whose life God removed the shame of bareness by giving them respectively Joseph and John the Baptist.


● To anyone experiencing the shame of bareness, I have a good news for you :


- There is a Joseph and a John the Baptist that God has in store for you to remove your shame in the eyes of men


- God is removing from you the shame of bareness and is restoring to you the glory of fruitfulness.



● God says from Isaiah 61:7, “ For every every shame, you will recover double”.


● It is your right to claim before God,


“Lord, for every area where I ever experience shame, may I recover the double of Glory. For every shame I have experienced I have experienced in the marriage, restore to me double. For every shame I have experienced shame in my parenting, I'm claiming double. For every shame I have experienced in my finances, I am claiming double”.


● God is in the business of taking away any shame and any reproach from your life. In Genesis Chapter 30 verse 23, Rachel says, “God has taken away my reproach by giving me Joseph”.


● God has a Joseph in store for you to remove the shame and reproach in your life.


● In Luke 1:25, Elizabeth says, “God has taken away my reproach …”


● For everyone who has not yet conceived, God is in the business of taking away the reproach of not conceiving, of barrenness from you


● Anytime you lose the Glory, the next thing is you suffer shame.  


But for your case, you won't suffer shame anymore. I say, “You will not suffer shame anymore”. I was saying, “You will not suffer shame anymore”


● In Joshua chapter 5 verse 9, God said to Israel when they were circumcised, “ I am rolling away the reproach of Egypt from you”. That is what is called GILGAL.


● GILGAL is the business of God who takes away the reproach of Egypt. Egypt symbolizes bondage.


● Egypt was the house of bondage. And you know that when you come out of the house of bondage, you will still have the marks of bondage on you. But God says, “ I remove the reproach of Egypt. I remove the reproach of slavery. I remove the report of anything that has ever caused you shame”


● Israel was the firstborn of God, but when they were in Egypt, they were humiliated by Pharaoh.


● When you lose the Glory, you suffer humiliation. 


● For any humiliation you have ever suffered, God will remove the reproach from you. Today, we are crying to God our father in the name of Jesus to roll away the reproach from us.


● In Micah chapter 7 verse 8, the Bible says, “Don't rejoice over me my enemy. If I fall, I will rise again”.  


 In Micah chapter 7 verse 10, Micah says, “My enemy shall see it because they have asked me where is my God”


● When you lose the glory, people will ask you, “Where is your God?”. 


● Maybe you are there and they are asking you, “Where is your God?. Yes, you are praying since the beginning of the year. You are attending the sessions. You are going to that Church. You are tithing. You are giving offerings. You are living in the fear of God. But, where is your God?”.


● But the Bible says in Micah 7:10, my enemies shall see it. Yes. They will see your God. I want to announce to you this morning they will see your God.




● Watch this. When you read the book of John chapter 11 verse 40, Jesus says to Martha, “If you believe, you will see the Glory of God.”


● Remember the story of of Martha and Mary. Lazarus their brother was sick. They sent people to call for Jesus saying, in John chapter 11 verse 1, “The one you love is sick”.  


● But funny enough, instead of coming instantly Jesus didn't until Lazarus died.


● Can you imagine? When Jesus came crying, people said, “Why did he not come when he was sick?”. What a shame ! What a reproach !


● But Jesus said to Martha, “ if you believe, you will see the Glory of God”.


● Are you in that place where you have prayed but it looked like nothing is happening? You are tithing but it's like nothing is happening? You are serving God but il looks like your marriage is worsening?


● Lord, let me recover the lost glory in my life!


● Jesus came on time. When I say on time, it is God's time. In Ecclesiastes 3:11, it is written that God does everything beautiful at his own time.


● God has his time. Martha and Mary said, “The one you love is sick”. But Jesus never came when they were expecting him to come.


● God's time is the best ever. He might have not answered you in January but you will be shocked because he can answer you in December. He is The Sovereign God.


● Can you trust God for the best time ? Can you continue to trust God even when people are mocking you?


● Here is the truth … If people are mocking you, God is making you. God does everything beautiful in his own time. God never comes late. For you, it look like he's coming late, but God has his own time.


● Jesus came in his own time.


● Write it down … Your business is to pray. The business of God is to answer. And God will never answer you according to your agenda. He will answer you according to his agenda.

● But you should know that the agenda of God Is His Glory.


● Watch this … When you read First Corinthians 15:41, the Bible talks about the sun, the moon, the stars. And the Bible says that the Glory of the sun is different from the glory of the moon. The Bible continues saying that the glory of one star is different from one another.


● Just to let you know that GLORY HAS LEVELS. 


● Let me show you something.


● The glory of healing you from headache is different from the glory of healing you from HIV. The glory of healing the blind or opening the ears of the deaf or allowing a lame to walk is different from the glory of healing somebody from HIV. The glory of resurrecting the dead is different from the glory of healing the sick.


● Martha and Mary wanted Jesus to heal the sick but Jesus said I have a greater glory for you. I will not come to heal the sick but I will come to resurrect the dead. That is why when it looks like God is delaying, you should not think that God is delaying. He is not delaying.  He's taking his time because what is about to happen has a dimension of Glory that you cannot handle now.

● You have seen the World Cup. Right? The glory of winning the first match and the glory of winning the last match is not the same. The glory of December is not the same like the glory of January.


● I want to let somebody know that there is a greater dimension of Glory. Hallelujah !!!


● I want you to know the reason why God is taking time is to allow you and prepare you for a greater glory because glory is not the same.


● I want you to know that there is a greater glory coming for you. There is a greater glory coming your way.


● That's why I want you to know that the glory you have lost and the glory you will recover will not be the same.


● If you lost the glory for one reason or another, God will restore to you a glory greater than the glory you lost.


● In Job 42 verse 10-12, we find that at the end, the God turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends and God restored to him the double of whatever he lost.


● Anytime you lose something, when you recover, you will recover it double and greater than what you lost.


● The glory you will recover will be greater than the glory you have lost.


● God tells me to tell you this night, “You will recover the lost Glory greater than what you have lost”


● That's why in Isaiah 61:7, God says, “For everything you have lost, you will have the double”.


● I say it again, “For every GLORY you have lost, you will have double”.



● Remember now John chapter 11. Jesus came.


●And you know when Jesus came, Lazarus’ sister said, “He is stinking”. Do you see that your own people can be a hindrance to your miracle?


● Martha, how can you say his sin is stinking, replied Jesus. If you believe you will see the Glory of God.


● If you want to recover the lost Glory, you need to believe. It takes faith to recover the lost Glory.


● Jesus says, “Even if he's stinking, I am going to resurrect him.”


● The more you stink from men’s nose, the more you smell the glory of God


●When Jesus did not appear, Martha and Mary were humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. People mocked them asking, “Where is your Jesus?”


● I want to announce to you whom people are mocking the faith. I want to announce to you whom people are mocking the tithing. I want to announce to you whom people are mocking the service. I want to announce to you whom people are mocking your fear of God.  Yes. If you believe you will see the glory of God.


● Remember Job's wife. When Job was challenged, she said, “Are you still holding onto your integrity? Where is that integrity? Look at what is happening in your life”


● You will recover the lost Glory. And the minimum you will recover will be double. They laughed at you for the the fruit of the womb?


● Remember how God gave Rachel Joseph. And you know who Joseph was in life. Remember how God gave Hannah Samuel. And you know who Samuel was in life. Remember how God gave Elizabeth John the Baptist. And you know who John the Baptist was.


● Anyone suffering the shame and the reproach of bareness, God tells me to tell you that you will recover the lost Glory because God will give you the kind of fruitfulness that has never existed.


● Welcome to your season where your children will be the greatest of all time-


● The Lost Glory will be recovered.




● Now let's go to Hosea chapter 4 verse 7. The Bible says, “The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against me and then I changed their Glory into shame”.


● There are people the more God is blessing them the more they become unfaithful. The more God is opening doors for them, the more they are leaving the Church instead of coming closer to God.


● Lord, I pray, “Let the glory you have given me not turn into shame”


● So what makes you to lose the glory is sin”. 


● Romans 3 23 states clearly that sin is the cause of the loss of Glory.


● I want to pray for you that you will not lose the glory in the name of Jesus Christ.


● I pray for somebody suffering disgrace because of your sin, because of your immorality. I pray that in the name of Jesus, God will deliver you from disgrace.


● Remember Samson. He was careless. As a matter of fact, he suffered disgrace. I pray for you you will not suffer this.


● But more importantly to know is that what can make you to lose the glory is ungratefulness


● When you are ungrateful for the little Glory you have, will you be for the greater glory?


● Now that you don't have a car and you are just using the taxi but you becoming proud. Now that you don't have a house of your own but the one you are renting make you proud, what will happen when you will have more?


● I want to pray for somebody under the sound of my voice, You will not lose the Glory of God. You will not fall into disgrace.


● I want you to know that the devil is after you because he wants you to fall into disgrace, into dishonor. But you will not suffer dishonor. You will not suffer disgrace.


● In John chapter one verse 14, the Bible says, “We beheld his glory as the one of the only begotten Son of God. Jesus is the carrier of Glory and of Grace.


● Where there is Glory, there is Grace.




● What can make somebody to lose the glory?


● In Luke 15 8-9, the Bible mentions a woman who had 10 coins. When she lost one, she did three things that can help you know what can make somebody to lose the glory and what you can do to recover the Glory.


● I want you to know that the glory is recoverable , meaning you can recover it.


● NUMBER ONE | The Bible says she lightened the place.


● Which means that the house was dark. What can make somebody to lose the glory is darkness.


● Beware of whatever is done in darkness. Beware of that kind of life where you are entertaining darkness.


● Darkness is the place where many people lose their Glory. That relationship in darkness is what will make you lose the glory. That sin you are committing in darkness is what will make you lose the glory. That stealing money from people where nobody can see you is what will make you lose the glory. Judas was stealing the money and he lost the glory.


● Because one thing the devil does is to expose whatever you are doing in darkness so as to cover you with shame.


● That is why the solution for you to recover the glory, you need the light.


● What is darkness? Darkness is ignorance. What is darkness? Darkness is the headquarter of the devil.


● Live a life of light. A life of Integrity. Be outside who you are inside. Whatever you do in darkness is what will make you lose the Glory.


● Switch on the light in your life. Switch on the light in your relationship. Switch on the light in your sexual life.


● Whatever you are doing sexually there in that bathroom is what will make you lose the glory.


● NUMBER TWO | The Bible says she swept the place.


● There is no glory where there is dirt. The house was dirty. You can't see the glory of God when you are living in sin, when your house is dirty, your mind is dirty, your thoughts are dirty, your mouth is dirty


● Now, may you be clean spiritually, physically.


● No one sees the glory living in dirt. If you want to recover the glory, sweep your house.


● NUMBER THREE | The Bible says she sought carefully


● What makes you to lose the glory is carelessness. We are not perfect but with the small we have, we make sure that we are not negligent in what we are doing.


● Glory comes together with excellence.


● Those who are in the Word of Life, I curse mediocrity in your mind. I can't be joking with your life.


● Please, those who are workers, serve God with excellence because glory and mediocrity cannot stay in the same house. May you receive the grace to be excellent in whatever you do.

● This woman recovered her lost coin. You also will recover the lost glory.








● In Psalm 84 11, the Bible says, “The Lord is a sun and a shield. He gives Glory and Grace”


● When you lose the Glory, you will fall into disgrace. Anytime you lose the glory, you will also lose the grace because Grace come together with Glory.




● In Psalm chapter 8 verse 5, the Bible says,” You have crowned them with Glory and Honor”


● Where there is glory, there is honor. So when you lose the glory, you will also lose the honor. You will fall into dishonour.




● I want to close yes I want to close by telling you Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 to 3. There, the Bible says, “Arise and shine”


Where there is glory, there is brightness.


● When you lose the glory, you will stop Shining.




● Glory comes together with wealth.


● In Second Corinthians 8:9, the Bible says that Christ was made poor for you to become rich. So, you can't say glory and you are broke.


● There is no glory in poverty.


● You see even the worldly people who are wealthy out there, they reflect a kind of Glory at the lowest level just because they are wealthy.


● Glory comes together with wealth. When you lose the Glory, you fall into poverty but God is restoring Your Glory.


● I say, God is releasing the wealth and God is sending back wealth in the Church so that we will reflect the glory.


● There is no glory in begging the landlord. There is no glory in begging people to feed you.


● I pray that the Glory of God will be restored in your life. I pray that all those who are around you will see the glory of God in your life.




● For you to recover the Glory, you must arise. You must make up your mind to shine. Stop being casual. Stop being negligent. You can't recover the glory sitting and sleeping. Arise arise and pray. Arise and work hard. Arise and take your life seriously.


● Isaiah chapter 60 verse 2 says, “Even if the darkness covers the earth, but on you the Glory of God shall rise”


● I like the version that says the glory of God shall be seen on you, meaning that WHEN YOU RECOVER THE GLORY, THE GLORY BECOME VISIBLE.


● YES. In your life, the glory is supposed to be visible.


● I pray for somebody today that the glory of God will be visible in your life.


● Now, in verse 3, the Bible says when your the glory will be visible in your life, the Gentiles will see it and come to your God, to your Church.


● I declare and I decree, no one will ask you again where is your God. They will see your God and his Glory in your life. They will see how God will bless you financially. They will see how God will answer your prayer. They will see how you are buying cars, houses, plots without stress.


● Pray … Lord, I want to recover the lost Glory.


● Pray … Let the Gentiles see your glory in my life.


● Pray …  Roll away from me the shame of poverty, the shame of barrenness.


● Pray … Oh God, you have promised in Isaiah 61:7 that for every shame I will recover double. I pray for the double recovery of the glory.

● Pray … When Lazarus came back to life many came

to see him because he became a living testimony. Father,  may I become that living testimony. I don't want to talk about God only. I want a self-advertising miracle.


● Pray … I stand on Hosea 4:7 and I cancel any exchange of Glory that turned my glory into shame.


● Pray … For any glory stolen for relating with wrong people, for having sex with people I should not have sex with they can steal your glory, I repent.


● Pray … Jesus was made a curse for me to become the blessing. For any curse that made me lose my glory,  I repent and I pray that I will recover the lost glory today in the name of Jesus the Christ!



● May the glory shine on you! May you start shining! MAY you shine more and more. May the glory of God be seen in your family, in your house. May your siblings see the glory of God in you. May your husband see the glory of

God in you. May your glory be seen in the country of Kenya, in Africa.


● All over the world, Word Of Life, that is your season to shine of the glory of God.



*✍️Pastor TD KASUKU*

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