Wednesday 29 March 2023



● *Shekinah Greetings Word Of Life And Blessed Midnight Praise Session to you all*

● Today our praise to God will focus on the God Of Jabez who is the Turnaround God. He turned the life of Jabez around, he will do the same for you as you engage praise tonight.

● Jabez was born and grew in an environment of a lot of pain and affliction. But one day, he said *"enough is enough"* What did he do next?

● *"Jabez called on the God of Israel".* Hallelujah!!!

● *Through prayer,* Jabez kissed bye to his pain and sorrow. He removed the garment of sorrow, limitation, struggle and long lasting affliction. He put on the garment of blessing, enlargement, advancement, joy and happiness. ( Read *1 Chronicles 4:10* )

● Friend, you have sang the song of sorrow, pain, limitation for long.

● Like Jabez, kiss them bye through your praise and expect God to heal you from any painful memory in Jesus Name!


*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I praise you ...* YOU ARE THE TURNAROUND GOD. YOU TURNED THE LIFE OF JABEZ AROUND, YOU WILL DO THE SAME FOR ME

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You are removing from me the garment of sorrow, limitation, struggle and long lasting affliction and putting on me the garment of blessing, enlargement, advancement, joy and happiness. ( *1 Chronicles 4:10* )

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to fly high as an eagle not to roll down as a chicken. *Jer 48:40*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me for glory not for shame. *2 Pet 1:3*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me I am called for dominion not for frustration. *Gen 1:28*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to be above not beneath, the head not the tail. *Deut 28:1/13*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to lend not borrow. *Deut 28:12*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to be fruitful not barren. *Gen 1:28*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to be rich not poor, a giver not a beggar. *Psalm 37:25, 2 Cor 8:9*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to be successful not a failure. *Jos 1:8*

*Father, God Of Jabez, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank you ...* You called me to be like God nothing less. *1 John 4:17*

✍ *Pastor TD KASUKU*

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