Tuesday 27 March 2018



As we continue the meditation on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God leads us to consider a number of facts relating to the monumental defeat of the world of darkness.

The major fact to consider is that the priests, scribes and high priests, despite the fact that they opposed Christ, took and was taking his words and statements seriously.

We find it by their own words in Matthew 27:63 where they said to Pilate:
"Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again."
To prove that they took the words of Christ seriously, they did not only remember but they also took steps to prevent, stop, oppose, fight the fulfillment of these words.

What did they do? In verse 64 , they said to Pilate:
"Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first."
Allow me to challenge you today by asking you the following questions:

1 / If the devil and his agents can remember the words of the Lord, what are the words of the Lord that you remember? Do you remember the preachings of your pastor? Do you remember the Lord's promises for your family? For your children? For your ministry? For your country?

2 / If the devil can take the word of God seriously, do you take the word sent to you seriously?

3 / If the devil can place guards at the door of the tomb of Christ to fight the prophetic words of resurrection, what do you do to fight these demonic supervisors posted at the entrance of the door of your destiny? Do you fight with the Word of God or do you just complain?


In this week of resurrection, I challenge you to consider your life carefully and you will find out that your problem is not the devil, but your ignorance of the Word of God in your life.


1 / Take authority over any form of spiritual amnesia that is also a form of demonic attack that makes you forget the promises and / or instructions of God concerning you.

Pray with Matthew 13: 19

2 / Take authority with the word of God against the agents of darkness posted at the door of your blessing and pray that the power of resurrection paralyzes them and makes them powerless.

Pray with Matthew 28: 1-4

3 / Pray with the Word of God against the spirits of control that watch your movements, your actions in order to control you and slow your progress in life.

Pray with Luke 10: 19


The Word Of Life Church International
Nairobi / Kenya

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