Friday 12 January 2018


FRIDAY 12.01.2018


Job 12:3 But I have understanding as well as you; I [am] not inferior to you: yea, who knoweth not such things as these?

Job 13:2 What ye know, [the same] do I know also: I [am] not inferior unto you.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


Read Judges 6 and study how God helped Gideon conquer the inferiority complex before conquering the Philistines. What are the examples to follow from this chapter? What are the examples not to follow? What are the application lessons for you today?


In order for you to conquer the territory God places before you, you must first of all conquer the negative spiritual forces that kill you from inside. Among many, one of those negative forces is called the inferiority complex.

What is it ? The inferiority complex is defined as the painful feeling of being inferior to someone. It is a feeling that leads to self-contempt, self-affliction, self-pity and loss of self-confidence with all the spiritual, emotional and sentimental ramifications connected to it.

In his original plan, God never intended that Israel would spend 40 years in the desert. After he has delivered them from Egypt, God wanted people to lead them straight to the promised land. This is the reason why Moses the man of God sent spies to see the land and bring helpful report for the conquest. Unfortunately, out of the 12 spies sent to spy the land, 10 were attacked from within, paralyzed and intimidated not by the giants in front of them, but by the complex (feeling) of inferiority within them.

In Numbers 13:33 , we hear them saying, "... there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, [which come] of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

In the BBE version, we read the following: "There we saw those great men, the sons of Anak, offspring of the Nephilim: and we seemed to ourselves no more than insects, and so we seemed to them."

In the GW version, we read the following: "We saw Nephilim there. (The descendants of Anak are Nephilim.) We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that’s how we must have looked to them."

Reading this statement, I make the following observations:

First observation: It is not the giants who speak, but the children of Israel who speak instead of the giants. The giants never told them, "you are locusts." They themselves are called locusts.

Second observation: When they say "we felt, we seemed...", it means that the the feeling of inferiority was not the reality of things, but just an impression, an imagination, a twisted mental representation of reality.

Third observation: They were intimidated and paralyzed, not by the giants they saw but by the way they saw them.

Fourth observation: By allowing the inferiority complex to negatively affect their way of seeing themselves, their language and their attitudes, they poisoned the whole congregation negatively and were disqualified from the promised land to the point that a short trip supposed to take a few weeks took 40 years.


Learn to encourage yourself.

If you wait for others to encourage you, you may wait for a long time. The world in which we are a world that encourages only those who are manifestly successful. So, do not wait for anyone to encourage you. Start encouraging yourself! Do not wait for anyone to believe in you. Start believing in yourself! Do not wait for anyone to appreciate you. Go to your mirror and start to appreciate yourself!

Before he could begin the conquest, God told Joshua nearly 5 times: "Be strong and of a good courage:" (Deuteronomy 31: 7, Deuteronomy 31:23, Joshua 1: 6, Joshua 1: 7, Joshua 1: 9, Joshua 1:18)

Writing to the Ephesians, Paul exhorted them, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." (Ephesians 6:10).

The woman with the issue of blood did not wait to be encouraged. She said to herself: "If I can only ...". 

David encouraged himself by saying to himself, "I am a wonderful creature " (Psalm 139: 14).

Solomon's wife, black in skin, encouraged herself by saying, " I am black, but I am beautiful " (Songs of Solomon 1: 5).


👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, je maudis la racine d’infériorité dans ton cœur ainsi que toutes ses ramifications (faible estime de soi, timidité, lâcheté, peur, mépris de soi,…)

🙏 PRIE AVEC Matthieu 15:13

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, je déclare sur toi que tu ne mépriseras plus et personne ne te méprisera car mon Dieu se lève sur toi pour se servir de toi comme un modèle pour plusieurs.

🙏 PRIE AVEC 1 Timothée 4:12

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, je déclare sur toi que le Saint-Esprit descend sur toi pour t’ouvrir les yeux et te faire découvrir le géant, le potentiel, les capacités, les dons, les talents enfouis en toi.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Jérémie 33:3

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, je maudis les voix des gens qui se sont moqués ou qui se moquent de toi,  qui te sous-estiment, qui te relèguent toujours au second plan, qui te rabaissent, qui t’insultent. Que ces voix se taisent a jamais dans ta vie et que la voix de ton Créateur soit ce que tu entends et entendras désormais.

🙏 PRIE AVEC 2 Rois 2:24

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, j’ordonne la résurrection du potentiel  que tu as enterré à cause de la peur et de l’intimidation des autres.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Matthieu 25:20

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, sois guéri, sois libre et sois délivré, à jamais et à tout jamais du sentiment d’infériorité venant de la couleur de ta peau, de ta taille, de ton niveau d’études, de ton arrière-plan social, de ta situation financière, de ton lieu d’habitation, de ta tribu ou pays d’origine, de ton état civil, de ta vie passée … Mon Dieu t’enlève le vêtement de l’opprobre et te revêt de vêtement de gloire.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Esaie 61:7

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, reçois la grâce de la foi et de la confiance en Dieu dans tous les détails et aspects de ta vie.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Esaie 12:2

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, que soit déchiré tout voile qui t’empêche de te voir comme Dieu te voit, de t’apprécier à ta juste valeur, de t’aimer comme Dieu t’aime, de te pardonner comme Dieu te pardonne et d’être confiant pour la mission à  laquelle Dieu t’appelle.

🙏 PRIE AVEC 2 Corinthians 4:3

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, je prie que Dieu t’entoure d’hommes et de femmes qui voient les richesses enfouies en toi, qui t’encouragent dans ce à quoi Dieu t’appelle, qui te motivent dans les moments les plus sombres de ta vie et qui t’aident à devenir le meilleur de toi-même.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Proverbes 27:17

👉 *Au nom de Jésus Christ de Nazareth*, lève-toi et brille dans ta famille, dans ton quartier, dans ta commune, dans ta famille, dans to capitale, dans ton pays, dans ton continent et dans le monde entier.

🙏 PRIE AVEC Esaie 60:1



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