Saturday 24 June 2017


SCRIPTURE : Psalm 20:2
"He will send you help from his holy place and support you from Zion."
KEY STATEMENT : God does not help those who help themselves. God helps only those who cry for help. 

The divine intervention is talked about when no human being even no angel no matter how powerful they are can do something for you or intervene for your case except God himself.

In Daniel's case, the Bible shows clearly how the king no matter his power was not able to rescue him. The mighty King Darius tried every way he could think of to save Daniel but he failed. It is written,
“The king was very displeased when he heard this. He tried every way he could think of to save Daniel. Until sundown he did everything he could to rescue him” (Daniel 6:14).

After the king's intervention failed, the mighty man understood the only who could save him was God and God alone. In Daniel 6:16, it is written,

“So the king gave the order, and Daniel was brought to him and thrown into the lions’ den. The king told Daniel, "May your God, whom you always worship, save you!"
Early in the morning, the king came near the den where Daniel was and amazingly he called him with a tag on top of his name "servant of the living God",
"Daniel, servant of the living God! Was God, whom you always worship, able to save you from the lions?" (Daniel 6:20) 
From the den, Daniel answered the king confidently,
“My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths so that they couldn’t hurt me. He did this because he considered me innocent. Your Majesty, I haven’t committed any crime" (Daniel 6:22)


My God My Father, I refuse today to rely on the help of men. I refuse today to rely on the help of horses. I refuse today to rely on the help of the mighty. I expect today my help from above only, from you only, from your throne only, from your sanctuary only IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I HAVE PRAYED!!!
“LORD, [it is] nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: HELP US, O LORD OUR GOD; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O LORD, thou [art] our God; let not man prevail against thee”. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST WE HAVE PRAYED!!! (2 Chronicles 14:11)  



Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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