Wednesday, 26 October 2016



My God my Father,

If things don’t go the way I expected, I declare and I decree I will never feel depressed, unhappy, doomed, lost, hopeless, miserable and discouraged in my heart because I know you have plans for me, plans for Shalom and not plans for trouble, disaster, depression or frustration but plans to give me a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

I declare and I decree “there is hope for my future” in the name of Jesus-Christ (Jeremiah 31:17).

My God my Father,

If things don’t go the way I expected, I declare and I decree I will let go of my thoughts. I declare and I decree I will trust you and rely on your thoughts because your thoughts are not my thoughts; your ways are not my ways. 

I declare and I decree "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so your ways higher than my ways, and your thoughts than my thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).



My God my Father,

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle I declare and I decree that I’m an ununderstandable wonder of God, amazingly, fearfully, wonderfully, miraculously, strangely, delicately and wondrously made and magnified by you my Father in the name of Jesus-Christ (Psalm 139:14).



 My God my Father,

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that you my glorious Father, the God of my Lord Jesus Christ, would give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation as I come to know and to understand Christ better in the name of Jesus-Christ (Ephesians 1:17).



My God my Father,

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that I may have the eyes of my heart full of light. I pray that I may have deeper insight and inner illumination of the spirit. I pray that the eyes of understanding may be illuminated and enlightened by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus-Christ (Ephesians 1: 18 a).



My God my Father,

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that I may know there’s a glorious, magnificent and splendid inheritance in store for me and promised to Christians as God’s people in the name of Jesus-Christ (Ephesians 1:18 c)



My God my Father

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that I may know there’s an unlimited and great power available for me, the same power that brought Jesus-Christ back to life and gave him the highest position in heaven far above all rulers, authorities, powers, lords, and all other names that can be named, not only in this present world but also in the world to come. (Ephesians 1:19-21).



My God my Father,

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that I may know that all things are under the control (the feet) of Christ who is the head of the church. If everything is under the control of Christ, everything is also under my control in the name of Jesus-Christ (Ephesians 1:22)



My God my Father, 

If things happen the way I don’t understand and I can’t handle, I pray that I may have strong confidence and deep hope rooted in the fact that you always make everything to work together for my good in the name of Jesus-Christ  (Ephesians 1:18 b and Romans 8:28)

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