Monday 16 October 2023





Father, Thank you for this day. We come to worship you, to give you the praise, the glory, the honor, the adoration.


We are in Ruth chapter two. We continue with the reading of the book of Ruth. Today, we are in Ruth chapter two verse one to three. We read …


And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter.


And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part  of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.


It's amazing because I see Ruth the Moabitess starting a new life. She's starting a new journey. After all that we have studied this far, we see Ruth on the field gleaming, doing something. And it's beautiful because here Ruth is on the way to start afresh to start a new life. And obviously later Ruth will be the wife.


After losing a husband by mean of death. Ruth is now on the way to be a wife again. She is on the way to start a marriage again. She is on the way to meet her second husband after the loss of the first one. I am so interested in the word “second”. “Second” in the Bible is a powerful word because God is the God of the second.


In 1 Corinthians 15:45, the Bible talks about the first Adam and the second Adam.

And when we see the second, it's an image and a portrait of Christ. Christ the second Adam who succeeded where the first Adam failed. The second Adam who made it where the first Adam could not make it.


Machlon who was the husband to Ruth died and Machlon means weak and then we have the second who is Boaz whose name means strength.


In the book of Jeremiah 18:4, we read … “And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it”.


In this text, the Bible talks about the second vessel that was made by the potter after the first one failed.


God is the God of the second. When I talk about the second, I mean also that God is the God of the second glory.


In Haggai chapter two verse nine, the Bible says, “The glory of this second/latter house shall be greater than the former...


God is the God of the second opportunity. God is the God of the second glory.




I invite you this coming Sunday to THE SECOND GLORY SUNDAY SERVICE. Because in Isaiah 61:4, we read, “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.


God is able to restore. He is able to bring back everything that is in ruins. Everything that is destroyed. Everything that is devastated. God is the God who is able to build again. He is the God of again and again. That is my God.


The story of Ruth is a story of hope. It is a story to just tell somebody that no matter what you have lost, no matter what has been destroyed, there is still room to start afresh. There is still room to start on the right and stronger foundation. Yes. Ruth is starting afresh. You too can start afresh. It is possible to start afresh because God says so. May the story of Ruth give you and I hope that you can start afresh. That you can build again. That you can love again. That you can trust again. That you can start again. Second glory is your portion. Second Glory Is my portion in Jesus name.




What is amazing is in verse three Ruth chapter one verse three … “And she went and came and gleaned in the field after the reapers and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz who was of the kindred of Elimalek”.


Is it a pure coincidence? Or is it divine incidence? Is it by pure chance, because some versions talk about the chance or is it the hand of God moving and orchestrating everything? Definitely it is the hand of God who is moving and the beauty of it is to see Ruth being in the right place, meeting the right person at the right time for the right purpose. That is the beauty of what I see here. Right period of time. Right purpose. Right place. Right person.


There were many fields. Why this one? There were many people, why only Boaz? There were many occurrences, why only now? To let you know that it is possible very much possible to be in the right place, to meet the right person at the right period of time. It is much possible.


Somebody can be in a place where you are like, why do I always meet wrong people in my life? Why do I always encounter wrong people? I mean is there a possibility? Is there hope for me that one day I will also meet a right person? Well if it happened to Ruth it can happen to anybody. So if it happened to being that it is possible for you to meet the right person. For you to be at the right place. The right time. The right purpose. It is possible. That is what I call second glory. It is possible.


If God did it for Ruth, he can do it for you. He can do it for me. He can do it for anybody under heaven. But what was the secret behind Ruth? Somebody can be asking me, “Why do I always meet wrong people in my life?”


Well. Let me answer to you but ah I would not like to ask the question that way. Because we will always whether we like it or not meet wrong people. We are not in charge of the people we meet in life. But we are in charge of the people we allow in our life.


You can meet people as you go you are at the airport. As you are in the plane, as you are in the car, as you are in the bus, as you are travelling, as you are in the market, we will always meet people. But the question is who to allow in our lives.


So the question is not why do I meet wrong people in my life? The question is why do I allow wrong people to come in my life?


There are three things I see in the life of Ruth that is so inspiring and it gives me a glimpse of why we allow wrong people to enter in to our lives.


Now let us go and share the three things that Ruth did to meet the right person at the right place at the right period of time and for the right purpose.




Number one | Ruth never looks at the appearance.


Let us go back to Ruth chapter one verse Eleven. “And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters: why will ye go with me? are there yet any more sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?”


After this declaration, Orpah left because she could not see anything in Naomi worth following her. But Ruth stayed and cleaved. It is already a powerful element to help you understand that Ruth did not look at the appearance of Naomi, either to the appearance of Boaz later.


She said to Naomi, “... Your God will be my God …". Meaning that I'm not following because of the outward appearance, but because of your God. This helps us understand that the reason why many people fall into wrong hands, the reason why we allow wrong people to enter into our lives, it is because we rely on our sight, because we look only at the outward appearance.


Remember. The man of God Samuel was about to make the same mistake when he went to anoint the man God has chosen.


We read in 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart”.


How many mistakes did we not make in life because of looking at how beautiful a person is? How many mistakes did we not make because we look at how somebody can be singing well? How many mistakes did we not make because somebody can preach well? How many mistakes did we not make because somebody has a tie like mine? He has a nice shirt? And because he's smelling good? Because he's well? Because he is speaking good? Because he is speaking very well? He articulates words well? May you receive the grace not to rely on the appearance of men.


A man can be good looking but at the end of it he can be deadly, he can be dangerous, he can be cruel.


Absalom was good looking as the Bible says in 2 Samuel 14:25, but see what Absalom did. He killed Amnon. He overthrew his own father.


So you understand that the reason why you and I we allow wrong people in our lives it is because we rely on the appearance. And there are people we reject in our lives because they are not as good looking as we want. There are some women we accepted in our life because of their good look. May you receive the grace not to make such a mistake in your life in Jesus name the son of the living God.


Don't rely on your eyes. Your eyes can deceive you. In Proverbs 14:12, we read, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death”.


If you are doubting, ask Lot. He will tell you from Genesis 13:10 how Sodom looked good, beautiful place, but immoral and cruel. He stepped there and he lost everything.


Number two | Ruth accepted herself as a as she was. She accepted herself as a foreigner.

When I look at Ruth, I can see that what made her to be at the right place, the right people, the right person, the right ah time, the right purpose, it's because she accepted herself the way she was.

The reason why many people make wrong choices, and fall into wrong hands, it is because of their own poor self image.

In Ruth 2:2 , we read, “And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter”.

After the reapers was the place for the poor people who were allowed to reap after the reapers. So, Ruth was poor. Also, she was a foreigner. And she accepted her identity. That is so amazing to know. She was not intimidated because she was a foreigner.


In Ruth 2:10 , she says, “Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger?”


Self acceptance is a power. Many people fall into wrong relationship. Many people fall into wrong hands. Many people make wrong choices because they don't know themselves. They have identity crisis. You have a low self esteem. Or some people that can have a high self esteem. Some people hate themselves. They belittle themselves. They doubt themselves. They need approval from people. They lack confidence. Poor image of yourself. Definitely if you have that kind of thing, you will fall into wrong hands and you will attract wrong people in your life.


Again, if You are a people pleaser. You want to please everybody. You don't have boundaries in your life. You are desperate for love, for acceptance from others. You are codependent, You don't heal yourself first. You have unrealistic expectations. You are ignorant of your purpose in life. You are very much impatient. Definitely if such is you, you will fall always into wrong people. Because you are the one who teaches others how to treat you.


That is why you don't need a relationship with others first. You don't need a relationship with yourself.


You need to love yourself. You need to accept yourself. You need to treat yourself as you should. You need to accept yourself. You need to have a right image of yourself. Because at the end of the day, you cannot have a good relationship with people if you don't have a good relationship with yourself. You can't hate yourself and love others. You can neglect yourself and take care of others. What is the guarantee that you can take care of somebody else if yourself you are not taking care of yourself? That is an illusion.


I like Ruth. She accepted herself. And I believe it played a big role for her to meet the right person.


Because at the end of the day, if you are a woman who doesn’t need validation from others, when somebody comes to compliment you, it will not be something you are shocked about. It will just be like a reminder not an information. That's why it is important for you to know.


I like what the man of God David said in Psalm Chapter 139:14, David says something interesting, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are thy works. And that my soul knoweth right well”.


There are information that your soul must know. You must know you are beautiful. You don't need anybody to affirm you as beautiful. You must know that you are handsome. You don't need anybody to affirm it to you. You know that you are smart and you don't need anybody to come and enforce it to you because you know.


When somebody does not know, that is why they are being cheated by people who would come and say things like … , “Oh how beautiful you are. Oh you are a good man. Ah you are this. You are that...” And because they don’t know who they are, those words sound so nice that they open themselves to conmen. Receive the grace to know who you are. Receive the grace to have a good picture of yourself. Receive the grace to that you are amazing. Receive the grace to know that you are beautiful. Receive the grace to know that you are great. Receive the grace to know like Ruth who accepted herself that she was a foreigner.


At some point you must accept your past. I accept my past mistakes. The mistakes I made in the past. I accept them. I take responsibility.


Somebody can be in a place where you are so guilty, you don't love yourself, you don't love your past and then find somebody who accept you allegedly as you are, but you are accepted in Christ as in the Bible says in Ephesians 1:6 that “We are accepted in the beloved”.


I don't need any acceptance from anybody anywhere. I'm accepted in Christ. It's a strong foundation. Receive that grace today in Jesus name.


Paul the Apostle says something very interesting. He says in 1 Timothy 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:16  Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting”.


When somebody says about me things like, “Ah this Pastor! Oh this man! I know him...” In fact, you are not saying anything relevant.


That is why sometimes it happens that you can be pointing at somebody's past mistakes, but my question is this … "If you have never sinned, can you dare pointing or stoning others?”


If somebody cannot accept you the way you are, don't accept him either and don’t allow him to enter in the circle of your life.


So, the problem is not that we meet wrong people, the problem is that we allow wrong people to come into our life.


Ruth accepted herself. And Boaz accepted her as a foreigner. It is better for you to be accepted the way you are than to be accepted for who you are not because you will not hide your real or true identity forever. Whether you like it or not, it will still show. So why don't you be true to yourself. 


Number Three | Ruth found refuge under the wings of the Almighty


And the third thing I see in Ruth that made her to meet the right person. It is because Ruth found refuge under the wings of the almighty. Showing that she trusted God more than she trusted people.

Ruth 2:12  The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.


The reason why some people fall into wrong relationships is because they don't consult God. I always like the prayer of the Apostles when they wanted to get the replacement of Judas.


In Act 1:24 , they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,...


Most of the time, we rush so much. We don't take time to consult God and inquire from the Lord.


In Joshua Chapter nine there's a story of Joshua who made a covenant with some people without even consulting God and the real identity of people they covenanted with appeared later. Jos 9:14  And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel at the mouth of the LORD.


Friend, take time to consult God. Take time to enquire from him. Why? Because God knows the heart. God knows the heart of men.


If you say that you always meet wrong people, the reason is because you don't consult God. You trust human beings more than you trust God. I have seen it in my own life and I will never say that enough. God always reveal to me the hearts of men because according to Daniel 2:22, “God is the revealer of secret”.


God reveals the hearts of who is who in your life, in your marriage. . It's a matter of time. That is why take time. Don't always rush. Don't be so desperate for people. Don't be so desperate for love. Don't be so desperate for acceptance, for company. Don't be so much desperate.


Listen to me. You need to keep God and God will keep people. Don't be desperate for somebody's love. No. Be desperate for God. If somebody comes in your and his coming is affecting negatively your relationship with God, that's a red flag. If you want, ask Solomon.


1 Kings 11:1  But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites;


1 Kings 11:4  For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father.


When somebody come in your life is disconnecting you from God, disconnecting you from Church, disconnecting you from the relationship with God, then, something is wrong. When your prayer life is going down, when your consecration is going down, when your dedication is going down, when everything is going down, that is a red flag.


You cannot be lowering the standard of your life because you want to accommodate people. No. That's why you are meeting wrong people.



Be led by God. How do you expect to meet the right person of your life in a bar? Some people have wrong expectation. Some have unrealistic expectations. And those expectations are put on a man.

If you trust that a man will love you, I will ask you this question, “How will he love you if God does not give him the power to love you?. And then you find yourself you are disappointed.


I am not disappointed and I've never been disappointed because anybody anytime anywhere can do anything to me. As long as they are human beings, human beings are up to anything. Period.


So my trust is in God. Don't I trust people? I do.. But I trust leaving a space for disappointment from people. If you have your eyes on God,


Ruth 2:12  The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.


Ruth trusted God. She came under the wing of God. And see she met the right person. You can meet the right person in your life if at all you follow those three things.




Let us pray.


· Father thank you. You are the God of second glory. We believe in you oh God. There is a second glory testimony that has in store for us. That you are preparing for me for us oh God. You are the God of the second glory. Lord let your name be glorified oh God.

· Be the leader of my life oh God. Forgive me anytime oh my God I relied on myself, on my sight, on how somebody looks good, on somebody who talks good.

· How many time I've had a low esteem of myself, looking down on myself.

· Forgive me oh God for not consulting you and I have understood three reason why I fall under wrong relationships and I pray that you anoint me the way you anointed Ruth who could not look at the appearance Ruth who could accept herself and Ruth who could be trusting you and not trusting people oh God.

· Thank you Lord because you are opening my eyes.

· And I pray for somebody that God will restore everything in your life. May God restore your life. Restore your ministry. Restore your business. Restore. There is a second glory relationship that God has restored for you. A second glory in ministry. A second glory in whatever that has been destroyed. The same way Ruth is entering into a new season. You will do the same.

· Because God is faithful. He will never lie. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I have prayed. I have spoken so shall it be for you. Amen and amen. Glory be to God and you have a beautiful day. Have a peaceful day. Let God lead your life. Let God guide you. Let God be the head. And we see everything will fall into place when he is the one leading.

· Hallelujah. I bless you in the name of the father, the son and Holy Spirit. Have a blessed week in Jesus precious name. Amen and amen. Have a glorious day.



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