Tuesday 3 October 2023




Shekinah Greetings to you Word Of Life wherever you are. God bless you. Happy to see you again this beautiful day, the day the Lord has made for us to rejoice and be glad. How have you been? I believe you have been well.  


From our end, we thank God. We are okay and we are blessed.  


We thank God for the service of yesterday. I mean amazing service. We thank God for the testimonies loading in our lives.  


Now lift your hand and lift your voice and just tell God thank you for the amazing time he gives us in his presence. 


Tell him, "Lord we thank you. Lord I worship you today and I give you the praise. Thank you for this great day, day you have made for us to rejoice.  


Thank you Lord Almighty and blessed be your holy name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we have prayed and say amen. 

Lord talk to us. Speak to us. Reveal unto us your will, your plan oh God in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God we have all prayed and we say amen and amen.Praise God. 


Maybe somebody is asking, what will happen now this week? I just want to let you know that this week, as we prepare for the coming Sunday, it will be the barley harvest blessing Sunday. 


Somebody may ask me, what is it again pastor? What are you talking about again? There is a deeper meaning. I mean there is a deeper prophetic meaning behind the barley, that is what we are talking about this week. Just to remind you that we are still in the book of Ruth. 




Go to Ruth chapter number one verse twenty two 


The Bible says Ruth 1:22 KJV 


So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Beth–lehem in the beginning of barley harvest. 


There is an information I want to draw your attention to in the book Ruth. 


The Chapter one started with a note of famine. 


Ruth 1:1 KJV 


Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Beth–lehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons. 


From this text, we learn that there was a famine. Some individuals Elimelek, Naomi, Mahlon and Chilion moved.  


Now, in verse twenty-two which is the last verse, we see Naomi returning alone. Elimelek is not there. Machlon is not there. Chilion is not there. The three have been taken and replaced them with Ruth who returned into Bethlehem with Naomi. 


And the Bible says that they returned in the beginning of the valley season. 




There is an information I want to put at your disposal that Israel had three major feasts. 


  1. Number one : The feast of Passover. 

  1. Number two : The feast of Pentecost which was happening 50 days after this feast. 

  1. Number three : And finally we have the Feast of Tabernacles.  


Those are the three feasts in Israel and every feast was corresponding to the agriculture calendar. I will give you more details during the week. 




But today I want to emphasize on the first feast which was the feast of Passover and the feast of Passover was corresponding to the season of the Barley Harvest. 


This information helps us understand that when Ruth and Naomi came back in the land of Bethlehem, they came back when  the land was celebrating the Passover 


This information is very much significant. Why?  


Because we have here two women from different and opposite spiritual background. 


Naomi is from the background (lineage) of Abraham. Ruth is from the background (lineage) of Lot. 


Remember. In the beginning in the Book of Genesis chapter thirteen, Abraham and Lot separated. After the separation, Lot fell under a curse because of the incest with his daughters who slept with him, and the whole genealogy fell under this curse. 


But we see Ruth coming back in the time of Passover.  


According to Exodus 12:2 KJV, God says concerning the Passover,  


"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you". 


From the text above, we understand that In the calendar of Israel, passover was the beginning of the year. 


So, when we talk about the barley harvest, what are we talking about? 


1- We are talking about God who is the God of new beginnings.  


Now this coming Sunday is the Sunday of new beginnings. 


2- We are talking about God who is the God of Fresh Start.  


When we talk about the Barley Harvest, we are talking about Fresh Start.  


So, this coming Sunday is the Sunday of Fresh Start. This week is your season of Fresh Start. 




3- We are talking about God who delivers his people.  


When we talk about the Barley Harvest, we talk about the deliverance of the people from the bondage in Egypt. 


I declare and I decree over you. This is your season of deliverance. Whatever is holding you back, you will be delivered from it in the name of Jesus Christ. 


This is your season for your deliverance.  


So, don't miss the three days fasting we will have this week because that is my Barley Harvest Season.  


There is a Barley Harvest deliverance for somebody under the sound of my voice if at all you care to listen to it. 


So, Ruth and Naomi came back to Bethlehem in the beginning of the Barley Harvest which corresponds to the religious calendar of the land to the season of Passover. 


What does God say concerning Passover? 


In Exodus 12:13 KJV, God says, ...  


And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 


This is your Passover season. In this season, what kills others in the land will not kill you. What destroys the lives of others will not destroy you in the name of Jesus Christ. 




I want to draw your attention on a very significant picture of Naomi and Ruth coming back in that particular season 


This picture shows to you the unity between the Jews and the Gentiles through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. 


Ephesians 2:12 KJV 


That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: 


From this text, we learn that us the gentiles were aliens. We were very far away from the land, from the covenant, from the promises but by the blood of Jesus Christ, the veil has been torn.  


The veil was torn. Praise God.  


Matthew 27:51 KJV 


And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 




I declare over you today that any demonic veil over your life is torn into pieces. Praise God.  



Isaiah 25:7 KJV 


And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. 


Today, as I'm standing from this place, I declare that this is the season where any demonic veil over anybody's life is destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. 


In Second Corinthians 3:18, Paul says,  


2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV 

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 


From the Scriptures above, you understand that the Barley Harvest is the blessing of the destruction of the veil that was separating the Jewish and the Moabites. 




In Deuteronomy 23:3, God said that the Moabites will not enter.  


But here in Ruth 1:22, God tore that veil into two so you and I could have access.  


That is why it is written in Hebrews that we have all access to the holiest of holy by the blood of Christ. 


I don't know what is the veil the devil has put on your face. I don't know what is the veil the devil has put in your life that is hindering you from entering to your Bethlehem and where God wants you to enter.  


I declare and I decree the veil is torn into pieces in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, get access to whatever God has in store for you.  


Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead! and declare ... I am entering my Jerusalem, my blessing. The veil has been torn. The veil was torn. The veil was torn. The veil was torn. The veil was torn. Hallelujah!!! 


When you see Ruth and the mother-in-law together, it shows to you that the veil was torn by the blood of Jesus.  


That's why this week, all the devotions are meant to show to you the wonders of the cross of Christ ordained to reconcile us, to reconcile those who have parted ways and to bring them back together through the blood of Jesus. 


That's why Paul says in Galatians 3:28 KJV, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus". 


Can we say glory to Jesus because that is the Barley Harvest blessing : The blessing of reconciliation of those who have parted ways from the plan of God. 





The Bible says, "Naomi returned..." 


I just want to say something there this morning. It is never too late to return.  


Hear me ... It is never too late to return to the plan of God. 


Somebody should drop his pride and just return to the plan of God.  


My friend, return to the plan of God. Return to the house of God. The door is still opened. The door of grace is still opened. It is not yet closed. Don't allow that pride. 


Don't be tied by what will people say about it. It doesn't matter. It is about you and your life.  


Naomi returned. Ruth returned. So it is a matter between you and God. It has nothing to do with anybody because the door is stillopened 


And you know what? That is the picture of grace. Ruth Chapter 1:22 is the picture of grace. 


That is why I say to you that you can still return.  


I remember the prodigal son. After he spoiled all the wealth, all the living of his father, he just returned, he came back to his sense and he returned.  


And this week, I want you to pray for your son who is lost, your  

son who does not know God, your son who does not know the ways of God.  


This week, fast seriously for the returning home of those who are lost. Hallelujah. 


Fast for your husband who is lost. Fast for your wife who is lost.  


Fast for your colleague who is lost. Fast for your sibling who is lost.  


Today and this week, we are praying God that they will come back home because there is still place for them. Praise be the living God. 


We are in the Barley Harvest Season where there is bread for everybody. There is bread for everybody. I say, there is bread for everybody. I was saying, there is bread for everybody. And Jesus is that bread that was broken into pieces to bring us back together in the same house, the house of God. Hallelujah.  

That is the Barley Harvest Season for you in the name of Jesus Christ. Isn't it amazing?  


Now, when we talk about the Barley Harvest, I want you also to understand something else. It is about a happy ending. 


Now, you know the book of Ruth chapter number one started with a very sad note. It started with a poor note. Remember there was a famine in the land.  


But when you read Ruth one twenty two, it is ending with the harvest.  


When I was reading this, God told me to tell somebody ... You will finish this year gloriously.  


Word of Life, I'm prophesying as a father in the house that we will finish the year gloriously. I say you will finish the year gloriously. You will not end your life the way you started. Praise be the living God. 


That is the Barley Harvest Season. 


Why on earth is it just at the end of chapter one? It is because for every unhappy beginning, there is a happy ending. There is a successful ending.  


That's why I say that the Barley Harvest Blessing is the blessing of Fresh Start. It is the Blessing of New Beginning. Praise be the God. We are in our season of New Beginning.  


I don't know where you have fallen. You can still start again. I don't know what you have lost. You can still start again because God is the God of restoration. God is the God of the Barley Harvest. Praise God. 


Somebody can tell me ... Well, Pastor, how can I be sure that I can recover? Pastor, you are not understanding how low I have fallen. 


Let me tell you friend.  


The Bible says in Proverbs twenty-three verse eighteen very clearly, "Surely, there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off". 


I want to tell somebody this morning that you can be sure that God can do it for you because in the Bible, in the book of Ruth under study, a case that shows to you that you can start in the famine and end in abundance. 


I declare over you that you will end in abundance. I don't know maybe you are there you are still struggling but the next 3 months before us will be weeks of tremendous Barley Harvest for somebody in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Friend, can you believe in what the Bible says?  


Look at Job 8 20-21. The Bible says,"Behold. God will yet fill your mouth with laughing and your lips with rejoicing".  


You can declare ... God will fill my mouth with laughing. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.  


Job went through a season of tears but it was for a while. At the end, he finished his life with laughter. Ruth 1:22 is your portion. 










Now don't forget. When we talk about the harvest there is what we call the joy of the harvest. 


Harvest has always been a season of joy. 


When we talk about the Barley Harvest blessing, it means the season of joy. I want to let you know you are coming in your season of joy. 


In Isaiah chapter nine verse three, the Bible say, "You have multiplied the nation and not increased the joy. The joy before you according to the joy or in harvest. And as men rejoice when they divide the spoil". 


You see the joy of the harvest? 


I see joy coming back in your life. We have 3 kinds of joy.  


1) The joy of the farmer who is rewarded for the seed sown in the ground which bears fruit. That is the joy of fruitfulness  

2) The joy of the worker who is rewarded for the work and the service he offered. 

Hallelujah! Anybody who jobless, this is your season to get your job in Jesus Name. 

3) The joy of the praying believer who is rewarded with the answer to his prayer. 


God will answer your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God. 


Can you imagine that they are coming back crying, but they found everybody happy? 


Wait a minute.  


When I talk about the Barley Harvest Blessing, it is a a blessing where you are harvesting where you did not sow anything. 


These 2 ladies who are coming back home did not sow. They were not there. The blessing started coming when they were not around. 


That is the blessing of divine favour. The blessing of divine grace : reaping where you did not show. I know that the Bible says, "We reap what we sow". But there is something also I want you to know.  


There is also a blessing of somebody who is reaping where he did not sow anything. It is a blessing whereby somebody else has sowed and somebody else is harvesting. That's a mystery. No worry. I will develop it during the week until Sunday. 


You are entering in such kind of blessing. 




The Barley Harvest is the blessing of the bride. 


Did you ever ask yourself a question, how come Ruth just came in Boaz's life, she did not sow anything, she did not invest anywhere in the life of Boaz, yet she was enjoying everything. That is the Barley Harvest Blessing. 




The Barley Harvest Blessing is the blessing of salvation. 


The Bible says that we are more than conquerors. It means in another word that  somebody else (Christ) fought and we (believers) are just enjoying the blessing. 


That is the Barley Harvest Blessing : The blessing of harvesting where you did not sow. 


That is why God says  


Joshua 24:13 KJV 


And I have given you  and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and oliveyards which ye planted not do ye eat. 


Deuteronomy 6:11 KJV 


And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full; 


That's why I'm telling you today ...  


You will enter houses you did not build. You will inherit fields you did not sow. That's what God says. You can be angry at this teaching. But that is the BARLEY HARVEST BLESSING. 




The BARLEY HARVEST BLESSING is the blessing of transfer of wealth from unbelievers to the believers. 


In Egypt, Israel was working but they were not paid. But it came a moment where the time for harvest has come for them, all those who owed them paid them. God compensated the years.  


That is why in Joel 2:25 KJV, God says, 


"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you". 


God will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten in your life. God will restore it to you raw. I say, God will restore to you raw. That is the Barley Harvest season. Praise be a living God.  


And we are getting that kind because of Christ. Because of his death. Because of the Cross. 


God is calling us. Come. Harvest. Harvest.  


Friends, I am not the one who died on the cross. He is the one who died. But he died on the cross and he makes me beneficiary of things he died for.  


I am not the one who died. He is the one who died. But I am enjoying health. I am enjoying wealth. I am enjoying peace. I'm enjoying forgiveness, reconciliation with God. I'm enjoying victory over demons and over all spirits. I am enjoying the reconciliation with the Father 


I am not the one who died on the cross. He is the one who died. And he's making me beneficiary of the things I did not work for. That is the mystery of grace. This season in the season of grace. The Barely Harvest. 


Ruth and Naomi are coming back. They did not sow anywhere. Others have sowed. But they came to harvest what they did not sow 


That will be your experience in the Name Of Jesus Christ.  




Lift your hand and say Lord hallelujah. I receive the word of today. 


  • Can you say with me, Lord I come to say thank you.  

  • Here I come to praise. Here I come to worship. Here I come to say you are my God.  

  • I come to say thank you to you oh God almighty. Because the Word is for me.  

  • Lord thank you.  

  • Now watch watch watch a minute. If you have not given your life to Christ you can be beneficiary of the barley harvest. 

  • Ruth benefited because she made the God of Naomi her God. You you can get it also if you want to. You can just lift your hand where you are and say Lord Jesus I receive you in my heart as my Lord and my saviour come in my heart change my life in the name of the father. Write me my name in the book of life. And change my life from now. 

  • Hallelujah. If you have done so contact us the numbers are there and come in Church this Sunday  

  • Contact us and we will help you to  walk the journey and to enjoy the blessing of the  Barley Harvest.  

  • It's beautiful. It's amazing. Where you don't struggle. Where you work you don't sweat like others are sweating. Yet you are getting your portion. 

  • You are getting the blessing.  

  • Lift your hand together with me and say Lord thank you Lord. Lord I thank you for this day.  

  • I thank you for the word that you have given unto me today. I thank you Lord for the revelation. All the revelation of the Word of God giveth light.  

  • Father thank you for today. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus and blessed be your holy name oh God.  

  • I thank you because this word is for me. Thank you because I will not end my year. I will not end my life the way I started oh God.  

  • This text started with famine but it ended in abundance. Oh God almighty Job went through tough time but he ended his life in the blessing of God. 

  • And I'm declaring also in my life oh God I will end my life in blessing. I will end my life in power. I will end my life in in in riches, in wealth, in abundance in the name of Jesus.  

  • Whatever a devil planned and meant for evil will turn around for me in the name of Jesus Christ.  

  • Thank you for the season of grace where we have not worked to God and we are beneficiary of the blessing we we we did not work for. 

  • Hallelujah. Jesus is the one who paid. Jesus is the one who paid. Jesus you are the one who paid and I am entering as the bride. I am entering like Ruth. I'm entering in the field. 

  • Hallelujah.  

  • In the field of the kingdom of God I'm enjoying the grace. Enjoying the things I did not work for. I am enjoying the blessing I did not suffer for. Lord Jesus you suffered from me so that I will not suffer again.  

  • Thank you Lord for the Barley Harvest Blessing that is my portion 

  • I worship you. Thank you for the cross. Thank you for your suffering. Thank you for the blood that is speaking on my behalf. Thank you because the curses and because of the blood. 

  • Hallelujah. I worship you today.  

  • This week is my week. This week is my week. This week is my week.  

  • In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We have all prayed and we say amen and amen.  

  • What a start. That is your season of fresh start. That is your season of new beginning. That is your season of grace. That is the season of your bunny harvest blessing. 

  • Hallelujah. Where the things you have worked for but they never paid you. They will pay you finally by the power of god in Jesus name the Son of the Living God. We have prayed and spoken. And we all say amen. Amen and amen.  

  • Glory be to God. Can you clap for the Lord where you are?  

  • You have a blessed day where you are. Go in peace and come back with a testimony this Sunday and let it be so for you. I love you all and you know that in Jesus name. Hallelujah. 

  • Good day to you. Amen and amen. 



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