Thursday 24 August 2023



You can lift your voice where you are and just tell God, “Here I am to receive the Word of today, the manna, the morning dew which I need oh Lord for my life. In the name of Jesus the son of the living God”.

Just lift your voice and say, “Father, thank you for such a beautiful day you have given to me again in your presence. I come to worship you. I come to give you the praise”.

I come to give you the honour and I come to give you the adoration.

Father, thank you and blessed be your name in the name of Jesus the Son of God.

Now, we open our hearts in hope and we are receiving the Word which you have in store for us in Jesus precious name, we have all prayed and we say amen and amen. Glory to God.


Well, I have a beautiful message today and we continue with Isaiah sixty one verse seven that is the Word of God.

God says, “You will receive double measure of wealth instead of your shame, you will sing about your wealth instead of being disgraced. That is why you will have a double measure of wealth in your land you will have everlasting joy”.

I am here just so much excited with the Word of God. That is not my word actually. It is the word of God. Which God is putting into our table this week.

And he says, “For your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion”.

It simply means in other word that confusion will never be your portion again in the name of Jesus Christ. 

For your shame you will have double …

You know? When you suffer shame, you will also suffer confusion. Because shame comes together with confusion. Shame come also with bitterness and sadness. But God says, “You shall rejoice in your portion”.

Hallelujah. Shame and reproach will never be your portion In the name of Jesus Christ. 

And we also have joy because God said, “Therefore, in their land, they shall possess the double”.

You shall possess the double in the name of Jesus Christ.

God adds, “Everlasting joy…”. Meaning, the joy that has no end. That will be your portion in the name of Jesus Christ.

Can we just take God at his word? As He says, so shall it be. Hallelujah!

Lift your voice where you are and give him the praise.

Say, “Lord today, I give you the praise for every area where I have suffered shame I will have double. No more confusion in my life in the name of the Lord”.

I told you since the beginning of the week that it is your birthright in Christ.

Why is it your birthright? Because you are a son of Abraham.

The people who saw Abraham said, “Wow, God is with you” (Genesis 21:22). Those who saw Isaac said, “We see that God is with you”. (Genesis 21:18). They rejected him, envied him because he was so much blessed and said, “You are too mighty for us. Go from us. because you are too mighty for us.” (Genesis 26:14).

That will be your experience. It is your birthright.

I again added to you and told you that it is the promise of God.

So, when we are coming this Sunday, the Sunday of double for shame, we are coming before the Lord saying, “You know what God? Your word is true. And I'm standing on the Word. People wanted to humiliate me. Or at all they have humiliated me. There are situations that are so humiliating for my life. Lord turn things around. In the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God.

Can you just say, “Lord, let it be so for me in the name of Jesus Christ. The son of the living God. We have all prayed and we say amen”.


Today, I want to talk to you about about a man who is called Mephibosheth.

Mephibosheth means a shameful thing. That is a practical illustration of double for shame.

2 Samuel 9:1 KJV
And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake?

2 Samuel 9:2 KJV
And there was of the house of Saul a servant whose name was Ziba. And when they had called him unto David, the king said unto him, Art thou Ziba? And he said, Thy servant is he.

2 Samuel 9:3 KJV
And the king said, Is there not yet any of the house of Saul, that I may shew the kindness of God unto him? And Ziba said unto the king, Jonathan hath yet a son, which is lame on his feet.

2 Samuel 9:4 KJV
And the king said unto him, Where is he? And Ziba said unto the king, Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lo-debar.

2 Samuel 9:5 KJV
Then king David sent, and fetched him out of the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, from Lo-debar.

2 Samuel 9:6 KJV
Now when Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, was come unto David, he fell on his face, and did reverence. And David said, Mephibosheth. And he answered, Behold thy servant!

2 Samuel 9:7 KJV
And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely shew thee kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.

2 Samuel 9:8 KJV
And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am ?

2 Samuel 9:9 KJV
Then the king called to Ziba, Saul's servant, and said unto him, I have given unto thy master's son all that pertained to Saul and to all his house.

2 Samuel 9:10 KJV
Thou therefore, and thy sons, and thy servants, shall till the land for him, and thou shalt bring in the fruits, that thy master's son may have food to eat: but Mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat bread alway at my table. Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.


I like the last part … Ziba and his 15 sons and twenty servants were forced to serve Mephibosheth.

Can you imagine how a shameful thing became a glorious personality? a honorable personality?

For your shame you will have double.

It was a certain day like any other day and King David remembered his covenant with his friend Jonathan. 

I pray that wherever there was a covenant for you, it will be remembered. I pray you will be remembered in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

Can you say, “Hallelujah! Glory be to God! God, I pray for me to be remembered”.

Can you declare today, “In the name of Jesus I will be remembered”.

God will remember you. I don't know who I'm talking to this morning, but I believe maybe it is you God will remember you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

You look like you are forsaken by others, but God is the God of remembrance. He will remember you.

It was a certain day where the king just remembered.

Now, this day round, this season, God will remember you in Jesus name.

God will remember your offerings (Psalm chapter twenty verse three)

God will remember your work (Hebrews chapter six verse ten). God is not unrighteous to forget your work and your labour of love toward the saints, your ministry, how you are caring for others, how you are standing with others who are in trouble, he will remember you in the name of Jesus Christ.

He will remember you.

This man Ezechias went to pray before the Lord in Isaiah chapter 38. And when he was praying, he just told God one thing, “Remember me”. And God remembered him and brought him out of that sickness that was deadly.

Praise the living God.


It was a certain day and the king remembered. I feel like I should tell somebody today this is your season of remembrance in the name of Jesus Christ.

Then David started having a conversation within himself. He said, “I want to show kindness to someone for the sake of my covenant with Jonathan. Is there anybody in the family of Saul? I want to show him kindness”.

I want to tell you today that for your case, for God to restore the glory to you, for you to have double for shame, not only will somebody remember you, but also somebody will lose sleep.

I want to declare today that anyone who owes you or anyone who has something for you will lose sleep.

Your time to be remembered, your time to recover, your time for the double for shame has come.

Somebody will become uncomfortable. Somebody will be discomforted by the God Almighty. And it will be an occasion. It will be an opportunity for you to get back whatever you have lost.

As we are praying, somebody will become uncomfortable for you to have double for shame. Somebody will lose the sleep.

Remember Esther chapter six. That night, the king could not sleep. Why? Because there was somebody who had to be rewarded. There was a double for shame for somebody. Hallelujah.

Can you wave your hand and say, “Father, thank you because I know that it is done”.


For shame to turn into double glory, God used Ziba to restore to Mephibosheth whatever belonged to his grandfather.

There is a Ziba that will be used by God for you to be restored for double for shame.

But let us break it down into pieces that will help us to understand.


For you to get the double for shame experience, you will have to face an individual called Ziba.

When the King enquired, “Is there anyone who is of the family of Saul?

And Ziba said unto the king, Jonathan hath yet a son, which is lame on his feet. , Behold, he is in the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, in Lo-debar.

What is Ziba saying?

Ziba is an evil spirit that interferes between you and your blessing.

Ziba is an evil spirit that hinders the grace of God over your life.

Ziba is an evil spirit that discourages those who want to come to you to bless you, those who want to do good to you.

Can you imagine? The king said, I want to do something for somebody. He wanted to remove shame from the life of Mephibosheth.

Now, see how Ziba is interfering to stop the king from removing shame.

There are people like Ziba. Ziba is a spirit of people who want you to remain in shame and reproach. They want your family to suffer shame. They want you to remain in financial shame.

My friend, come this Sunday. Those are the things we will deal with this coming Sunday in the name of Jesus Christ.

Any Ziba of your life will be dealt with this coming Sunday. Because you have to get back your double.

I say, you will get back your double. I say, you will get back your double.

But, before you get back your double, let us describe a little bit Ziba.

1- Ziba emphasizes on your weakness.

That is Ziba. Ziba is in church. Ziba doesn't come in Church to listen to the message. Ziba doesn't see the strength. Ziba doesn't see the blessing flowing from the throne of grace. All that Ziba can see, Ziba sees only weaknesses.

Now listen to me. When somebody doesn't see anything good in your life, please can you relax? It is their opinion, not yours.

When somebody does not see the quality that you display, don't worry. Don't be bothered. It is their opinion.

And now listen to me. Others’ opinion is none of your business.

Ziba told the king, “Jonathan has a son, but he is lame”.

Can you see how people can be wicked?

He is lame. Don't go to that church.

I declare and a decree, any Ziba who misrepresents the Word of Life Church, as the Lord liveth, God will deal with you.

Ziba misrepresents you in the eyes of your boss. Ziba misrepresents you by telling the people who are ready to bless you, “Don't give him/her that job.

Ziba will be dealt with today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Ziba is dangerous.

If at all you have that Ziba Ministry,  whereby all you see is just the weakness of others. And you are out there spreading others weaknesses, know that you are a Ziba. May God have mercy on you and may God forgive you.

May you not be a Ziba for others.

Somebody who comes and wants to marry that lady whom you call your best friend. When that man comes to enquire about her to you, if all that you can talk about is only her weaknesses, you are a very wicked person.

There are people who don't see the good that others have done for them. There are people who don't see the good in others. All they see is bad. Everything is weak. That is the Ziba spirit.

If you have ever suffered from the Ziba spirit. Today is your day of deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ. That is Ziba for you.

2- Ziba discourages

Ziba was discouraging the king by showing the king how very far was Mephiboscheth. Don't you have people who discourage others from coming to you?

Open your hand where you are. Any Ziba interfering with you and your double for shame experience, I declare them defeated in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name Of Jesus Christ, the king will do good to you. The king will restore to you whatever is for you.

Whether Ziba likes it or not, the good that the king wants to do for you will be done in the name of Jesus Christ.

All the good that people will come to do for you will be done. I say, it will be done as the Lord lives in Jesus Precious Name.

You need to know how to fight in your spirit. You need to know how to fight for your inheritance, for your double for shame experience in Jesus name.

3- Ziba is jealous

There was a Ziba in Church some years ago. A lady had a business of clothes. Another lady with the Ziba spirit started misrepresenting her clothes by telling others, “She is lying to you that her clothes are from Turkey. Those clothes are from Eastleigh”.

My friend, what is your problem? What is really your problem? You are a jealous person. You are evil. Can you just shut up and just let somebody do her business? What's your problem?

4- Ziba emphasizes on your past

Ziba always says, “This man, I know him. I know that he has a very bad past. He has been imprisoned many times. You better not go to that Church. This man, I know him. This woman, I know her. She has aborted many times. In fact, she's my friend”.

Can you be that person who can just cover others’ weaknesses in prayer?

I pray today that what God has ordained for you, no matter how your past is, it will come to pass in the Name Of Jesus Christ. The Ziba of your life will be defeated.

I want to announce to you that your helpers will come to you, whether Ziba likes it or not.

God will turn your shame into double honour, double glory in the name of Jesus Christ.

The people whom God has ordained to bless you, will still bless you. No matter how your past is.

You who emphasize over the past of others, “This one I know is past. Oh! That one, I know her past”.

My friend, can you shut up? Jesus died on the cross for that person. If you knew that person as an arm robber or a prostitute, now she is in Christ. She is a New Creature. Hallelujah.

Maybe you are there. You are suffering from the Ziba spirit where people are condemning you for the sin of the past, I want to let you know, my friend, in the name of Jesus Christ, be free from condemnation.

There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1). You are forgiven. Expect the forgiveness of God in your life and let it be so in the name of Jesus Christ.



What made this man Mephibosheth to experience the restoration and the recovery?

It was the covenant between David and Jonathan.

God is the covenant keeping God. You can claim your double for shame experience because the bible says so in Isaiah sixty-one verse seven… “They shall rejoice in their portion”.

So double for shame is your portion. But how do you have access to it? The covenant.

God has vowed that his people will not be ashamed again. God is the covenant keeping God.

I always share with you my life. If it was not because of my covenant with God, I couldn't have been here where I am. That's why I can never joke with my covenant with God.

Friend, mind your covenant with God.

We have the covenant with of the blood as it is written  in Hebrews 12:24, “the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel”.

The same way the covenant of David and Jonathan spoke in the life of Mephibosheth, I pray that the blood of Jesus, the blood of the everlasting covenant will speak in your life in Jesus Precious Name.

Benefit 1 | The Covenant speaks and silences negative voices

The covenant between David and Jonathan prevailed. It spoke in the life of Mephibosheth and silenced the voice of Ziba.

You should know that sometime you can be there and things are not moving as they should. Why? Because there are some voices speaking against your life.

You need to know how to silence those voices.

Among many things you can do to silence those voices, it is the voice of the covenant. The Covenant with God must silence any voice that is against you.

Somebody is about to come to you. He wants to come to Church. He wants to come to your business. He wants to come to bless you. He wants to come to marry you. But there are some voices out there who are stopping them from coming, but by the covenant you have with God, you can silence those voices.

You can even lift your voice and say, Let all kind of voice that are raising against me to attack me, to attack my life, to stop my helpers, to stop the people who has to come in this church, let the covenant be stronger than the voice of Ziba.

Whatever it can be, any Ziba who is misrepresenting me in dreams or in whichever way, Lord, I declare and I decree in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ those voices are silenced. They are silenced forever and ever in Jesus precious name.

Benefit 2 | The Covenant preserves

Keep your covenant of tithing, of offering. Keep the covenant. Keep the Covenant of going to Church.

This is not something we are joking about. This is a Covenant.

Keep the Covenant of your own commitment and devotion and dedication to the things of God. Don't joke with.

Benefit 3 | God remembers and respects the Covenant

God is the Covenant Keeping God. When you remember the Covenant, then, you are on the way to experience double for shame.

In fact, I already see you experiencing double for shame.

For example, you can stand on the Covenant of Serving God, and tell God,

- God, you said, “If I serve you, you will bless my bread and my water. I therefore pray that I will not suffer the shame of poverty.

- God, you said, “If I serve you, you will take away sickness from me. I therefore pray that I will not suffer the shame of being sickly in the name of Jesus Christ.

- God, you said, “If I serve you, the number of my days, you will fulfil, I therefore pray that I will not suffer the shame of premature death because I am blessed of the Lord.

Friend, remain under the Covenant as it is written in Psalm seventy-four verse twenty, “Take heed of the covenant because the dark places of the earth are full of habitation of cruelty”.

My friend, mind your covenant with God. And then, you will see the covenant will prevail over any negative voice.


The second thing to experience the double for shame experience is grace.

The Grace of God was stronger than the schemes of Ziba.

The grace of God was stronger than the name Mephiboscheth himself was carrying (shameful thing).

I want to let you know that the grace will be speaking in your life this time round.

Double for shame is a product of divine grace. Do you know what grace can do in somebody life. Can I tell you?

Benefit 1 | Grace removed disgrace in Mephiboscheth.

When grace steps in, disgrace steps out. Today, every area where the devil has put you to shame, everywhere the devil wanted to disgrace you, the grace is shattering any disgrace in your life.

Benefit 2 | Grace qualifies Mephiboscheth where he was disqualified.

Remember what Ziba was telling the king to disqualify Mephiboscheth, This man is lame. He can't even come here. But the grace of God qualified him.

I want to let you know that where you have been disqualified, the grace of God will qualify you.

Yes he was lame. Yes he was not fit. Yes he could not walk. But the grace qualified him.

I always tell you I am not qualified to be a pastor. I'm not qualified to be your pastor. You should know that.

So, when somebody says to me, “You are not qualified”, I say, “Wow Wow that's amazing. It's a compliment actually”.

Why? Because when somebody says that I am not qualified, he is saying in another word that where I am disqualified naturally I will be qualified supernaturally by grace.

And I want to announce to somebody today grace will qualify you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Can you imagine Paul? He says in First Corinthians fifteen verse ten, “By the grace of God, I am who I am. And his grace had not been in vain in my life”.

How many time people were not rejecting Paul because he was not physically with Christ? Because he was not among the twelve?

But by the grace of God, Paul who was disqualified was qualified.

Pastor Kasuku was disqualified. My past disqualified me. My intellectual level disqualified me. My English disqualified me. I don't speak the perfect English.

There are places where I was disqualified because I am not a Kenyan.

I am proud today because the grace of God has qualified me to be a pastor of this Mega Church. It can't be me. It is the Grace of God. I am a product of the Grace of God.

I want to let you know where you are disqualified, grace will qualify you in the name of Jesus Christ. Where they say, “You won't make it”, by the Grace, you will be able to make it.

Where they say, “You won't enter”, Grace will cause you to enter in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

Benefit 3 | Grace located Mephiboscheth and relocated him.

Mephibosheth was very far from Jerusalem, but the Grace of God located him. Hallelujah. The Grace of God will locate you wherever you are. Praise be living God.

In a certain country of Congo, the grace of God located a man like me.

I want to announce to you that Grace will locate you where you are and move you to where you ought to be.

Ziba was interfering with the localization of Mephiboscheth so that he will not be located, but the Grace of God located him.

The grace of God will locate you where you are. No matter where you are, the grace of God will locate you.

Ziba was making the localization of Mephibosheth complicated.

People will come in Church. The Grace of God will touch them and they will come in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mephiboscheth was in a slum. Nobody knew him. But since he was beneficiary of the Covenant with God, all the way from the slum, the grace located him. Hallelujah.

Benefit 4 | Mephibosheth did not deserve anything. He was a beneficiary of the covenant of his father.

Can I tell you something?

Parents, be serious with your covenant with God. Be serious with your covenant with God.

Can you imagine Jonathan died but his covenant was speaking after him? Can you take your covenant seriously?

Parents, be serious with Church. Be serious with tithing, with giving, with prayer, with meditation, with serving God.

Look at Jonathan. Before he died, he made sure to make a covenant to protect his children.

Benefit 5 | Ziba misrepresented Mephibosheth, but God turned things around.

The information Ziba gave to discourage the King is the same information God used to promote Mephibosheth.

I want to announce to you that all the gossip that people do against you, God will use them to promote you.

That is what Grace can do.

What was meant for evil, the Grace of God can turn it for your good. Those who are gossiping against you, that gossip will be used to promote you.

Joseph told his brother, “You intended to do me harm, but God turned it for my good” (Genesis 50:20)

Friend, take your covenant with God seriously. God will take away the sleep of somebody before the year is over just to settle your life. He will do it and you will enter the palace.

From the slam to the palace. Isn't it double for shame?


Why don’t you lift your voice where you are?

Declare in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let any voice speaking against me to hinder me from entering my inheritance fall under judgement today. I will not die in Lodebar.

Where I am now is not where I'm supposed to be. I will not die in poverty. I will not die in joblessness.

I will not die in barrenness, lack and childless

 I will be supernaturally located.

There will be a divine commendation for me in the name Jesus Christ.

This is my season of divine remembrance, divine restoration, divine relocation.

The same way Mephibosheth was relocated from Lodebar to Jerusalem, I will be relocated. This is my season of relocation

Where I have been forgotten, I will be remembered

where I've been stolen, I will be restored

Wherever Ziba is using my weakness to stop people to come to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Grace of God will cover my weakness

The grace of God will cover my deficiencies in the name of Jesus Christ

the evil/negative report of Ziba will backfire

it will not come to pass

it will be used to promote me

Ziba who is fighting me will organize my flight in the name of Jesus Christ it is done

Before the year is over, it will come to pass in Jesus precious name I have spoken and I prayed and I all say amen

Now your day is blessed

Your children are blessed

The work of your hand is blessed,

Your going in is blessed, your coming back is blessed in the name of the Lord son of the living God I have spoken and I've prayed. I have blessed you.

Don't miss this Sunday. God has something in store for you and I this Sunday. Double for shame Sunday service.

You know? We are having testimonies of the doing of the Lord and you will be next in line to testify that God has taken away your shame. God is our beautifier who takes away our shame, who makes our life beautiful.

He will do it for you in the name of Jesus, the son of God, we have spoken and prayed and we say amen.


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