Wednesday 12 April 2023




*Isaiah 48 verse 3*

I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.

● *We worship God* as the merciful

● *We worship God* as the faithful God

● *We worship God* as the great provider

● *We worship God* as the good God

● *We worship God* as gracious God

● Today the Holy Spirit wants to introduce to us *the God of Suddenly*

● Today I present to you *the Sudden God*

● Today you shall encounter the power of God *suddenly*

● I did them suddenly, and they came to pass. Isaiah 48:3 KJV

● When God moves, it is *suddenly*

● When God promotes, it happens *suddenly*

● When God saves, it happens *suddenly*

● When God delivers, it happens *suddenly*

● When God heals, it happens *suddenly*

● The God of *suddenly* does not consult anyone before taking a decision

● The God of *suddenly* does not need the permission of anyone before blessing you

● The God of *suddenly* does not delay

● The God of *suddenly* does not procrastinate

● The God of *suddenly* does not work with African time

● The God of *suddenly* does not respect African time

● The God of *suddenly* does not respect protocol

● The God of *suddenly* does not wait for result of medical tests before healing the sick

● The God of *suddenly* does not do interview before promotion

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that made a 90 year old woman to become pregnant suddenly

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that made a 100 year old man to become a father suddenly

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that moved Joseph from prison to palace suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that turned a prisoner to a prime minister suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that made a shepherd boy a King🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that moved David from the bush to the throne suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that turned barren Rachel to a mother suddenly 🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that turned barren Hannah to a mother suddenly 🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that caused the Red Sea to open and swallow Pharaoh, the riders, and horses suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that caused Virgin girl to become pregnant in virginity *suddenly*🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that destroyed boasting Goliath suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that resurrected Jesus from the grave suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that cast out demons suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that turned water into wine suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that turned Saul to Paul suddenly🔥

● The God of *suddenly* is the God that will rapture the Saints suddenly🔥

● God of *suddenly* does not count months…two months has gone in the year…He will answer you suddenly

● The God of *suddenly* shall turned your barrenness to motherhood suddenly in Jesus name

🔥Receive your husband *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Locate your wife *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Become pregnant *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Receive your migration papers *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Receive your healing *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Receive your great deliverance *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Receive your contracts *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥Receive your grants jobs employment *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥O God of suddenly promote me *suddenly* in Jesus name

🔥O God of suddenly visit me *suddenly* without invitation in Jesus name

🔥O God of suddenly visit me *suddenly* without notice in Jesus name

🔥*suddenly* your story shall change in Jesus name

🔥*suddenly* you shall receive credit alerts in Jesus name

🗣As God lives and His spirit lives 👆you shall NOT die *suddenly* in Jesus name

🗣*Sudden* you shall quit your secret sins in Jesus name

*Sudden* deliverance, *Sudden* healing, *Sudden* salvation

*Suddenly* unbelievers in your family shall be saved in Jesus name

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. *Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed Acts 16:25-26

Tonight, expect the God of suddenly to visit you! 


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