Saturday 18 February 2023



Shekinah Greetings to you all Word of life. Welcome to the Peniel Encounter Night.
Uncommon Deliverance is what we will talk about tonight.

I'm glad to let you know that we are halfway. Today is the 20th day of our 40 days journey and we thank the Lord for the renewal of strength . Isn't God good? Yes, he is and we give him the praise for that.

Tell God how ready you are to receive the instruction from above. Tell him how ready you are to receive the Word that comes all the way from the Throne of Grace.

Tell God, " I am tonight in your presence". Can you tell God how ready you are? Yes  I am ready. Give the Lord praise tonight. He deserves the praise of  his people. 

Praise God tonight. He deserves the praise of his people. Hallelujah in Jesus name! 



1 Samuel 7:1 KJV And the men of Kirjath-jearim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the Lord.

The message I want to share with you is purely instructive and instructional. God is giving us instructions for us to actualise the uncommon deliverance mentioned in this text.

The text of tonight is a text of captivity.  The people of God were under the Dominion of the Philistines. The Philistines took their properties and their lands. They were dominating over the nation of Israel. 

Like may be somebody you are there tonight , there is a Philistine dominating your life.  It can be a disease, a sickness,  marital trouble or whatever that can be disturbing your life.

Today, I have a message for somebody ... There is an uncommon deliverance for you tonight.

Tonight, there are instructions we need to comply with for the uncommon deliverance to become a reality in our life.

Friends, tonight from the depth of my heart I want God to intervene in your life. 

Why are we fasting that long? We are fasting because we want to see God in a different way.  We want to see his hand Upon Our Lives.

Tonight, I ma asking myself some questions. For how long shall the Philistines dominate our territory? For how long that sickness and that disease? For how long? For how long?

I have some instructions I will share with you and I believe it will be part of our lives and it will impact our lives and it will help us to know what we have to do to be delivered from the Philistines.

Instruction 1: Bring back the ark of the Lord to your house. ( Verse 1)

That is the first instruction according to 1 Samuel 7:1. 

1 Samuel 7:1 KJV And the men of Kirjath-jearim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the Lord.

The ark of the lord symbolises the presence of the lord Ark of the Lord. God is calling you and I to bring back his presence in our Lives. Can we bring back the ark in our offices? Can we bring back the ark in our sitting room? Can we bring back the ark if Gid in our bedrooms? Can we bring back the ark of the Lord in our kitchen?

But I have a question.  The men of Kirjathjearim came and fetched the ark of God. But I am asking a question. Did they return to the Lord? One thing is to bring back the ark and another thing is to return to the Lord.

Tonight, we will pray to be delivered from being religious. 

The Bible says in  

Matthew 15:8 KJV This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

The house I am talking about where we need to bring back the ark is our hearts. Bring back the ark of God in your heart.

I can hear God telling somebody : "Bring me back to your life". 

We are a busy generation. Like Martha in Luke 10:41, "Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things"

God is complaining today, "You have kicked me out of your life. You have kicked me out of your business. You have kicked me out of your ministry. I want to come back"

Tonight, I want you to lift up your voice to the Lord and say, "I repent for kicking you out of my life. I am hyperbusy not for you but for myself." How much time do you spend for the Lord just to pray? Just to read your Bible?

Pray tonight and say to the Lord, "I repent for kicking you out of my life. Forgive me O Lord in the name of Jesus Christ!

*Instruction 2: Dedicate your house to the Lord ( Verse 1)*

The second instruction for tonight is still in *1 Samuel 7:1*. 

They fetched the Ark of the Lord and  brought it in the house of Abinadab in the hill. And they sanctified Eleazar to keep the ark of the Lord.

The will of God for you and I is to be like the house of Abinadab: a city set on a hill cannot be hid ( *Matthew 5:14*)

Can I say that my life is a city set on a hill? Can people have their reference in me?

When I'm talking about the house, I'm talking about your heart and I'm talking also about your  physical house.

Is my house a city set on a hill? Is my life a city set on a hill? Am I giving light around me? Am I a model for somebody around? Or is my house in the valley of murmuring and complaining?


Lord, let my house be the House of Prayer.

Lord, let my house be the house of peace. 

Lord, let my house be the dwelling place of your presence. 

Lord, let my house be the house of joy.

Lord, let my house spread the light around me in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God.

*Instruction 3 : Sanctification*

1 Samuel 7:1 KJV And the men of Kirjath-jearim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the Lord.

*To sanctify* is to set apart. *Sanctify* your life. *Set your life apart* for the Lord. Those are the steps we need for us to experience uncommon deliverance.

Jesus says that, "We are in the world , but we are not of the world". 

Our lives must be different from the life of others. We must be set apart for the Lord. We must be separated from the system of the world. 

Unfortunately, we are talking today about uncommon deliverance and you will agree with me that we are doing things the way the world is doing. Others are cheating and we are cheating with/like them. Others are lying and we also are lying with/like them. 

Receive the grace to be different. Receive the Grace to be separated from the system of the world.

*Instruction number four : Keep the ark of the Lord*

We are still in *1st Samuel chapter 7 verse 1*.  *There is an instruction to keep the ark*.

The instruction the Lord is giving to us tonight is to keep the presence of the Lord.

You only keep what is precious for you. Tonight, the Lord is calling you and I to keep the ark. To keep the presence of God.

Do you keep the presence of God? It is very unfortunate to see that there are many people who are busy to keep people than Godl.

I always tell you I'd rather lose people than lose God. I am thirsty to keep the Lord in my life. And I always check in my life if at all God is with me.

*Instruction number five : Cry to the Lord*

But when we go to verse 2, the Bible says, 

"And it came to pass while the ark above in Kirjath-Jearim, that the time was long; for it was 20 years. And all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord.

That is what we want to deal with tonight. The time was long. How long did it take? It took 20 years.

Tonight I want you to cry to God for all those situations that are taking too long.

20 years of joblessness. 20 years of not having children. 20 years of not advancing in life. 20 years of an unstable marriage. 

And I underline the time was long. And what did they do? They lamented before the Lord. 

You have time tonight. Go ahead and cry before the Lord and cry.

They brought the ark in the camp. Fine. They set themselves apart. Perfect. But the Bible says that the time was long and the Philistines were still there.

Can you cry to the lord and tell him,... 

"Lord, that situation has taken long. Deliver me tonight. No, It has taken long, very long. That joblessness has taken long. That situation in my house has taken long. That situation with my son has taken long."

Go before the lord and cry. Tell God, "Tonight is my night of uncommon deliverance. I am crying to you to deliver me oh God."

When you cry to God, God will answer you. Tonight, don't sleep. Walk around. Walk in your house.

I don't know what is the problem you are in. But when a situation has taken long, it is your responsibility to take action to stop it.

*Instruction number 6:Return unto the Lord with all your heart*

In verse 3, we read, 

"And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel saying, if you do return unto the Lord, with all your heart then put away the strange gods and prepare your heart unto the Lord, serve him only and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines"

Here Samuel is explaining why it is taking long. Samuel is explaining why the Philistines are still dominating the land.

He says, Return unto the Lord with all your heart. The reason why it is taking long is because your heart is not full to God. 

I underline in my Bible with all your heart. 

And you will agree with me that there are many who are halfhearted. We are serving and are coming to Church but not with all our heart.

God wants the whole heart.  The question we are asking tonight is why is it taking long? The answer is your heart.

And Samuel adds saying, "Take away idols from your hearts". And there are many believers today who have idols. Yes. We have idols. 

We are fasting and praying I don't have a problem of fasting and praying but the problem is your heart.

An idol is anything that takes the place of God in my life and it becomes like my god. 

Do you know why I always talk about money? I see how people react when it comes to money. It shows that people have an idol called money.

Some people might ask, Why am I talking about money? Because money is the biggest idol people have today.

People are ready to do anything for money. People struggle to release this idol called money. Ready to steal for money. Ready to give all kind of excuses about money. I will talk about money because it is the biggest idol. Let me ask you a question, what is the thing that make people worry? Isn't it money? Check the worry of people. Most of time it is the money. 

Tonight, throw away the idol of money, sex, material things,...

Tell God, I want only God in my life, only God.  Hallelujah hallelujah. I need God. I need God. Not internet be my idol. Not your spouse be my idol.

Tonight, God is angry against any idol we have in our hearts.

*Instruction 7* : Connect to the altar

For you to experience on home Deliverance,  you need to connect to altar. 

Your connection to the altar is what will bring uncommon Deliverance in your life.

I'm talking about connection to the altar. 

When you read verse 8

*1 Samuel 7:8 KJV* And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines.

Themselves they cried to God, but the Philistines still came.  They needed a spiritual authority and to connect to his altar for the deliverance to become effective.

There are some deliverances that will never happen in your life until you connect to the altar of your Samuel. I am asking you a question, Who is your Samuel who can stand in the gap and pray for you? Who is a Samuel you can connect to the altar for your life?

You know what? I had many struggles in my life. Yet, ,I was praying. Yet, I was fasting. Yet I was going to church. But I had a problem. I never knew to connect to the altar. I was born again when I lost my girl. I was born again when I was struggling financially. I was born again when I was struggling in my life. 

Until I got the revelation that I needed to connect to the altar where my Samuel is ministering to me. 

Yes I can pray but I need Samuel the auhority to deliver my life. 

Israel got delivered  when they connected to the altar. That is when the uncommon deliverance happened.

Who is your Samuel?

Samuel is the man whose altar is on Fire for you.

He Is the man of God who's altar is on fire to pray for you. 

There are some deliverances you will never experience until you connect to the altar on Fire where Samuel is ministering.


When Samuel prayed from the altar, the following things happened:


When Samuel took a sucking lamb and offered it for a burnt offering wholy unto the Lord, Samuel cried unto the Lord and the Lord heard him.


*1 Samuel 7:10 KJV* And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but *the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel*.

When I see the word discomfited, it reminds me of Joshua who was on the field, and Moses the spiritual authority was praying for him.

My friend, don't mistake yourself. You can't be delivered on your own prayer. You need a connection to the altar which is burning, an altar where a man of God anointed by God for you will pray for you.

You need a heart-to-heart connection with a man of God anointed by God to pray for you. 

There are Philistines you will never deal with on your own. It is only when Israel connected to the altar where Samuel was that they got the victory.

Now God has delivered me from financial struggle forever. I am proud to say  my connection with a man of God God appointed for my life. I'm connected to the anointing in his life and it is speaking in my life.

Tonight, any philistine coming to attack you from each other I declare and decree let them be thundered from above.

Anyone connected to this altar, the Lord will thunder your philistines.

Open your hand where you are. I am talking about those who are sons and daughters connected to the altar of the word of Life.

I always say that and I will never say that enough. Those who are connected to the altar of the Word Of Life, lift your hand where you are and I pray for you that all the philistines who are tormenting your life, your health, your children, I command those Philistines to be thundered tonight.

Tonight is the night of deliverance from Philistines who have stayed too long in your territory.

I pray that the thunder of the Lord destroy the Philistines of your life, the Philistines of your family, the Philistines of your health, the Philistines of your finances. I pray that they will be thundered tonight.


*1 Samuel 7:11 KJV* And the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they came under Beth-car.

Do you see where the strength came from? It came from the altar.

We have many people out there who are not connected in any way to this altar. It will never speak in your life. I am sorry but if you have an altar you are connected to, that is wonderful. Connect there. Listen to me.

I don't want to minister to people whose heart is not totally connected to this ministry, and to this altar. It won't help you.

That is why I said that I don't want to minister  if your heart is not connected to his altar, if your whole being is not connected to this altar.  

It will never help you but I pray tonight and my Prayer is toward those who are connected to the altar from their heart, from their mind, from their soul, from their whole being, those who pursue your life, you will pursue them instead.

The Philistines who used to pursue your life, they will pursue you no more. You are receiving the strength to pursue your pursuers.


*1 Samuel 7:13* So the Philistines were subdued, and they came no more into the coast of Israel: and the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel. 

Do you see the power behind the altar where Samuel was ministering? The philistines were subdued and they came no more in Israel after being thundered ( verse 13)

I declare over you tonight that the sickness you have ever seen you will see it no more.

I have many people who are connected to this altar who used to struggle with alcohol. I saw them with my own eyes being delivered from the taste of alcohol forever.

I can have some witnesses there of the people who have never been admitted in any hospital. Do I have some witnesses there?

I have some witnesses there of some people who are really connected to the alta who never struggle from stress anymore.

Those Philistines (of stress, of poverty, of struggle,...),  come no more in your house, health etc.

Since the day I have decided to connect to the altar of my father in the Lord, I cannot remember the time I was struggling in my finances, in my health. The stress I used to have gone forever. I am living in a trememdous peace. 

I declare over you tonight that the Philistines (sickness, spirit husbands/wives...) will never torment your life again.

You cannot connect to a burning altar and continue to be tormented  by demons. No way.


1 Samuel 7:14 KJV "And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron even unto Gath; and the coasts thereof did Israel deliver out of the hands of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites".

The altar of Samuel was speaking in the life of the people. There was restoration of everything they took from Israel. 

I announce to you tonight there will be a restoration of whatever the devil took from you.

From the altar of the Word of Life, as we are praying tonight, I declare a total restoration. Receive your restoration.

Declare from the heart that this verse 14 is your portion. 

Declare, whatever the devil has taken from me is coming back to me.

Declare, from the altar of the Word Of Life, I command the restoration of everything the devil has taken from me. I declare an uncommon deliverance in my life. Let the Philistines restore to me anything i lost.


All the days of Samuel's life, the Philistines never came to torment Israel again.

You see why things took long in their lives? Samuel was there, but they neglected him. Its altar was also there, but they neglected it.  

Until they came back to connect to Samuel's altar, that is when they experienced an uncommon deliverance.

Did you get the teaching of today? 

We are closing there. 

Just lift your hand and say, "Lord thank you for the uncommon deliverance in my life."

Make up your mind and say, "Lord I want to be serious with the altar of the word of Life"

Maybe you belong to another altar, but wherever you are, be serious there.

We are not joking around here.

Lift your voice and say, "Every word spoken by your servant today is my portion in the Name Of Jesus Christ".

Give thanks to God because it is done and declare your uncommon deliverance tonight in the Name Of Jesus Christ !!!

The Philistines are leaving your life, your marriage, your health, your finances, your children tonight.

I wish you could see what I see tonight.

It is done in Jesus Precious Name.

Have a good night. Tomorrow, we are talking about uncommon change of story. Please, connect and see you tomorrow.

✍ Pst T D Kasuku

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