● *Deu 28:41* says, "Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity."
● Today's text is a curse spoken by God toward the rebellious parents.
● *First of all*, God says that their sins will impact negatively their children. *Secondly*, they will not enjoy their children. *Thirdly*, their children will go into captivity.
● In the Bible, there's a couple of people who had serious challenges with their children.
● *Cain* was a murderer. *Jacob and Esau* fought one another for many years because of the birthright. *Jacob's children*, jealous and envious, sold their brother Joseph.
● God killed *Aaron's children* and *Eli's children* for being immoral and profane (disrespectful for the holy things).
● *David's sons* were killing one another, fighting against one another, committing incest among them and were dangerously divided between them.
● GOD FORBID !!!!!!!
● FROM THIS MOUNTAIN, I PRAY THAT God will grant parents REST for our children and release BLESSINGS on them IN JESUS' NAME!
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● Forgive my sins which have opened doors of curses in my family and my children
● Thank you for redeeming me from generational curses and for forgiving my sins
● I will enjoy my children.
● They will not be captive of the enemy, of generational curses, of alcohol, of drugs, of sex, of occultism or of any demonic bondage but will be godly servants and worshipers of God
● They hear your voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow
● They turn away from foolishness. and they love to listen to correction and instruction
● They have your favor on them and your wisdom in them
● They walk in the Spirit, and do not fulfill the lust of the flesh
● They are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, excellent not mediocre
● They choose wise and godly friendship
●They are patient, loving and kind. They’re courteous and positive.
● They’re filled with thankfulness and gratitude.
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