MONDAY 14 MAY 2018
We were all created with a purpose. This purpose is why we were created and continue to thrive!
Brethren, there are destiny killers everywhere. Whenever somebody or something good is born or about to be born, the devil assigns someone or something called destiny killers to terminate that life.
Destiny killers are agents, powers and personalities of darkness designed and assigned to kill off and see off your destiny. They are designed by hell to derail your destiny and never allow it to come anywhere near its potential.
Destiny killers :
1) Are Joseph's brothers. They hate you because you have what they don't have. They must not hear of your dream, vision and ideas. If they hear them, they will work hard to stop them
2) Are Potiphar's wife. They come to demand illegal sex to make you fall in fornication with the purpose of ashaming you and destroying your destiny.
3) Are Guehazi and Judas Iscariot. They eat at your table and eat at the table of your enemy at the same time. They laugh with you because you are progressing in life, in ministry but behind your back they are backbiters and gossipers and inwardly they are serpent!
4) Are the crowd around you who discourage and silence you as they did to Bartimaeus while he was at the gate of his miracle.
As we meditate about destiny killers, keep in mind that you can be the killer of your own destiny as the Word of God says in Proverbs 14: 1
"Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."
Watch ! No one arrives at a destination he cannot see. Without light there's no flight in life. The forces meant to promote your destiny are greater than those meant to kill it.
Be prayerful. Be purposeful. Be focused. Be wise in choosing your company. Be determined in the pursuit of your God given dream.
1. Those expecting your destruction shall be surprised by your promotion IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
2. Any door that you have opened to the devil through the sexual sin/stealing/backbiting/fraudulent acts/idolatry and occultism , let it be closed now IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
3. Destiny killers, destiny destroyers, destiny wasters and destiny spoilers in your life shall be scattered to irreparable pieces IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
4. All evil counselors and conspirators against your destiny be scatter in Jesus name IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
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