Wednesday 21 March 2018


WEDNESDAY 21.03.2018


After Jesus's resurrection, the angels said to the women who were looking for him in the grave "... Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen..." (Luke 24: 5-6)

The declaration of the angels to the women is a clear indication that the power of resurrection breaks stagnation. You cannot encounter resurrection without getting out of the state of stagnation. The same way Jesus Christ could not remain in the grave after resurrection, the same way, in this season, the power of resurrection is breaking stagnation in every area of your life. 

The same way it was told about Jesus Christ, "... He is not here, he is risen...", the same way shortly people will no longer see you where they used to see you. In this season, I see you moving. In this season, I see you changing level. In this season, I see the power of resurrection breaking stagnation in your life.


Stagnation is the state of not flowing or moving. It is lack of activity, growth, or development. It is a state in which growth or development stops. If something such as a business or society stagnates, it stops changing or progressing. 

Stagnation in Latin is “Stagnatum” meaning “Standing Water”. Stagnation is a state of Inactivity. It means not moving. Stagnation is like a Poodle of water that attracts mosquitoes.

Stagnation can also mean a state of dullness, dryness or even sluggishness. A life full of mundane things is a Stagnant life. When there is no new thing in your life, no new vision, no excitement, there is Stagnation. The Christian life is a Bubbling life because God does something in a person’s life all the time.

A stagnant life attracts harmful things or people. The minute your life becomes stagnant is the minute you start attracting and being a haven for unpleasant things. You will find yourself forming alliances with people of mediocre minds. You will find yourself in company of people that you never imagined. Spending time in drug dens will no longer be an issue for you because your stagnation has made you failure personified.

Like a metal that stays without use for a while rusts and starts disintegrating, so is a life that is stagnant. A brain that is not used, challenged and exercised on a daily basis soon becomes ‘rusted’. Within a short time the brain can no longer function as it is supposed to, and the world is robbed of your brilliance too.


You might not realise it or notice it. You might like it or not not like it but the truth is that change is life and stagnation equals death. You cannot stay the same and expect to survive.

In this resurrection season, never be satisfied with where you are or who you are. Identify the area of your life that is stagnating and allow the power of resurrection to break it.


*PRAYER* 1 I nullify all curses of delay, stagnation, limitation, set backs over me in Jesus name by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and fire of the Holy Ghost.

*PRAYER 2* Every thing that has made any area of my life dormant through these years, as Jesus addressed the barren fig tree, I addressed you now be withered from your root in Jesus name.

*PRAYER 3* All buried glories in my life, my star, my destiny, my marriage, my ministry, my business receive divine resurrection now by the same power that resurrected Jesus Christ, in Jesus name. I receive the anointing of the over taker and hasty performance. I receive divine speed to pursue, overtake and recover all in the name of Jesus Christ.


Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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