Thursday 14 December 2017


THURSDAY 14.12.2017

Before we go further in our meditation, it is important for us to ask ourselves a questions "what does final mean?".

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, final is what can not be altered or undone. It is spoken of or relating to a concluding court action or proceeding.

To have a say in something means to have a voice in. It is to Have the right or power to influence or make a decision about something by reason of legality, of ownership, of leadership, of rulership, of scientific competence, ...

In a family, the parents have a say in the life of their children. In a company, the shareholders have a say in the running of the company. In a country, those in power have a say in it.

The question I'd like to ask somebody today is "Who has a say in your life?" If you are an employee, I know that your employer has a say in your life. If you have a personal doctor, I know that as far as the medical profession is concerned, he has a say in your health. If you are a tenant, I know that your landlord has a say in the house you are living in.

However, the ultimate question you should ask yourself is not only "who has a say in your life?" but "what does the Lord say for your life?"

The Bible says in Psalm 33:11;
"The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations."(KJV)
It says also in Proverbs 19:21 
"[There are] many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand."
Are People saying all manner of things against you?
Are people looking down on you, thinking you cannot make it?
Has the doctor's report said negatively about your health? 
Has the doctor said that it is over for you?
Does it look like you are running out of time?

God has the final say! 

What does it mean ? It means that "No matter what people have said or will say and no matter who they matter in your life (be it parent, be it spouse, be it employer, ... ), what Jehovah has told you in HIS WORD is what will stand and will be fulfilled. 


1) Follow the steps of our father in the faith Abraham who, despite his dead body and the dead body of his wife, considered them not, hoped against hope knowing that his God has the final say.
Romans 4:18 GWV "When there was nothing left to hope for, Abraham still hoped and believed. As a result, he became a father of many nations, as he had been told: "That is how many descendants you will have."
2) Don't give attention to the time running, to the circumstances, to the medical report but believe and keep on declaring the Word the Lord has spoken to you and concerning you until you see it fulfilled.
Mark 5:28 "For if I can only touch his clothes," she kept saying, "I shall be all right. 5:29 The haemorrhage was stopped immediately, and she knew in herself that she was cured of her trouble."

PRAYER 1 | Jehovah Rapha is The Lord who has the final say over your health. PRAY !

PRAYER 2 |Jehovah Jireh is The Lord who has the final say over all your needs (financial, emotional, spiritual, etc). PRAY !

PRAYER 3 |Jehovah Shalom is The Lord who has the final say over the Peace you need in every area of your life. PRAY !

PRAYER 4 |Jehovah Shammah is The Lord who has the final say over the company you need in your life. PRAY !

PRAYER 5 |Jehovah-Raah is The Lord who has the final say over the direction and guidance you need in your life. PRAY !

PRAYER 6 |Jehovah Tsidkenu is The Lord who has the final say over The Righteousness you need in your life. PRAY !

PRAYER 7 |Jehovah Nissi is The Lord who has the final say over the victory you need in the midst of the battles, fights, oppositions and tribulations of your life. PRAY !


Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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