Wednesday 27 September 2017


TUESDAY 26.09.2017
TEXT : MATTHEW 26:51; MARK 14:43; LUKE 17:12-19 AND JOHN 18:10

Today’s miracle is about Jesus healing the ear of Malchus. In fact, it is more than a healing. It is a supernatural surgery of an instant ear replacement done by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is Malchus? Malchus is a character that appears in the 4 gospels as the servant of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas who participated in the arrest of Jesus Christ.

According to the Bible, Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off his right ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus.
Although the other writers mention the event, Luke is the only one who records the miracle.


1st lesson: Never confound power and purpose

Jesus knew to make the difference between “power” and “purpose”. In this text, Jesus had enough power to escape and even pray his Father to send him help, but he purposed not to but to stay and confront death. He could have escaped but he purposed to die.
Matthew 26:53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

2nd lesson: Spiritual warfare is not won with carnal weapons but with spiritual weapons

In this text, we see Peter trying to defend the Lord using his sword but Jesus teaches him that his Kingdom is not established by the power of human flesh but by the power of divine hand.

3rd lesson:  The best response to men’s hatred is not hatred but love

In this text we see Jesus’ compassion for the wounded man, we see that even someone described as a slave mattered to him; we see his willingness to confront threat and opposition with restraint, courage and the power of love

4th lesson: Being prayerless is being powerless

According to Scriptures, while Jesus was laboring and sweating in prayer, Peter and his friends were sleeping. When temptation came, Peter was vulnerable to external attack and was not able to control negative emotions and feelings of anger.

5th lesson: The purpose of miracle is not to demonstrate how great is our faith but how great the grace and the love of God for us are.

This text is a clear indication that God can perform a miracle in someone’s life without him having faith or being saved. Malchus came to arrest Jesus. He never came to have a miracle and never had any faith in him.

6th lesson: Jesus performed a public miracle to fix the public mistake of Peter

During his public ministry, Jesus taught about love, forgiveness, self-control … Unfortunately, Peter behaved publicly in contradiction to those teachings. In order for Jesus Christ to fix what Peter did in public and confirm the veracity of his teachings, he performed the miracle publicly.

7th lesson: Jesus is God

This miracle is an indubitable, an unquestionable, and an unchallengeable proof that indeed Jesus is God.
Psalms 94:9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?


🙏PRAYER 1: The same way Jesus replaced the cut ear of Malchus instantly and without surgery, the same way He is able to replace any missing part of your body because He is God.

Is there any part of you that is not functioning well? With faith, lift up your voice and pray for divine surgery over your body.

Read and pray with Psalms 94:9


🙏PRAYER 2: Jesus was focused not into his power but into his purpose. He was focused not in what he was able to do but in why he had to do.

Is your purpose of life not clear? Lift up your voice and pray for clarity of divine purpose over your life.

Read and pray with Proverbs 29:18


🙏PRAYER 3: Jesus was able to gain control over his feelings, emotions and external attacks because he was prayerful and spiritual

Does it happen to you to lose control over your feelings and emotions? Lift up your voice and pray for divine grace to be prayerful and spiritual like Christ in the midst of your trials.

Read and pray with Proverbs 16:32; Proverbs 14:29; Proverbs 15:18; Proverbs 19:11


🙏PRAYER 4: Peter’s secret prayerlessness caused him to a public behavior contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

Is the fire on your prayer altar life going down? Lift up your voice and pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit ignite the flame and the fire of prayer upon your altar.

Read and pray with Leviticus 6:13



Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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