Monday 27 March 2017


I am so excited this day because of the doing of the Lord in the life of this 38 years paralyzed man. If Jesus Christ can turn an entire life around after 38 years of paralysis, I am fully convinced that no matter what you are going through, there is hope for you.

No matter how long your case has taken, there is hope for you!
No matter what the doctors have said, there is hope for you!
No matter how deteriorated is your marriage, there is hope for you!
No matter how empty is your bank account, there is hope for you!
No matter how damaged your health is, there is hope for you!
No matter how devastated your emotions and feelings are, there is hope for you!
No matter bad the economy of your country is, there is hope for you!
No matter how impossible your case is, there is hope for you!
But you may ask to me, how can it be possible?

In 1 Peter 3:15, the Bible says, 
Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear"

According to this word, it is clearly evident that hope is not a vague concept or a mere motivational talk but it is a spiritual force deposited by God in you with clear reason.

Let me provide to you this day 15 biblical reasons why there is always hope for you no matter what.

1st reason : There is hope for me because my God lives

Job 19:25-27
2nd reason : There is hope for me because I am alive

Ecclesiastes 9:4

3rd reason : There is hope for me God never changes

Malachi 3:6 
Hebrews 13:8 
Joshua 1:5 
Joshua 3:7 

4th reason : There is hope for me because Christ died and came back to life

Acts 2:24
Romans 8:11
1 Peter 1:3

5th reason : There is hope for me because nothing is impossible with God

Luke 1:37
Luke 18:27

6th reason : There is hope for me because all things are possible to him that believeth.

Matthew 17:20
Matthew 21:22
Mark 9:23

7th reason : There is hope for me because weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Psalm 30:5 (30-6)

8th reason : There is hope for me because I am ordained to be a winner 

Matthew 24:13

9th reason : There is hope for me because God is the covenant keeping God who will never abandon me

Isaiah 30:18
Isaiah 46:3
Hebrew 13:5

10th reason : There is hope for me because it is impossible for God to lie

Hebrew 6:18

11ème reason : There is hope for me because I am ordained to never be ashamed again

Psalm 22:5 (22:6)
Psalm 25:3
Psalm 69:6 (69-7)
Psalm 119:80
Psalm 119:116
Isaiah 28:16
Isaiah 45:17
Isaiah 49:23
Joel 2:26-27
Romans 5:5
Romans 9:33
Romans 10:11
1 Peter 2:6

12th reason : There is hope for me because God is my Father

Matthew 7:11

13th reason : There is hope for me because the door of miracle is always opened before me by my Father

Revelation 3:8

14th reason : There is hope for me because the Word of God is the Light ever shinning in the darkness of the world

Psalm 119:105
2 Peter 1:19

15th reason : There is hope for me because the Father which hath begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Psalm 138:8
Philippians 1:6


Pastor T.D. KASUKU K.K.
The Word Of Life Church International

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